Looking for Clothes???
If you are like me, I cannot afford to buy a whole new wardrobe at every size I lose( I'm so excited to be losing!!)I just wanted to let everyone know, if they don't already....GOODWILL has .99 cent items every Wed. Every week on Wed. you will find a certain color tag( today was RED) that all items with that tag color are .99 cent!!! I know you have to look through alot sometimes to find what you like.. But I got 3 pairs of jeans, 1 Levi, 1 Ann Taylor Loft & 1 Eddie Bower (?) today..each .99 cent!!! I have found BRAND NEW BLACK LEVIS in my size (22) for .99 cent. Every Monday the same color tag is 10 for $5.00! By that time the items have been picked through, but sometimes you can find something. I found 2 BEAUTIFUL DESIGNER suits, I can't WEAR them yet LOL But they are my dream outfits, 1 is a 12 & 1 is a 8... Hope to see everyone at the Walk For Obesity!!!
They have a clothing exchange at Centennial Obesity. Up near the classroom. I have been bringing in all my larger clothing each appointment. Some pretty nice things for free.
Life is a string of problems, held together by moments of pure bliss. Enjoy the moment it may be your BLISS!
Linda Tidwell
Linda Tidwell
I'm not sure if you knew this or not, but at our Lunch Bunch Meetings (next one is Saturday @ Cozymel's @ 1:00) afterwards, we all go out to the parking lot
, open our trunks
pull out boxes
and have a clothing exchange (we have all sizes)
. I have not had to purchase
much in this area at all, because of this blessing
Hope you can join us!!

HI, I just acquired several bags of clothes from 14-28 in sizes. They were stored, so a little musty smelling. I can't make it tomorrow, but I will have them at the September luncheon. Most are winter clothes. I have moved into Lebanon 2 days ago, but anyone interested in seeing these clothes, please send me a personal contact email. I'll give you the new address. My phone number is thru Vonage and is still the same. Need to run, timer on computer is less then 5 minutes to go. Love everyone, Kathy