Fiber Issue?! -- Kinda Gross...
but I gotta ask someone. Back in June I had a problem with being constipated. I took some MOM and everything was fine for a couple of days. Then I became constipated again and this time it was very bad. I won't go into the gross details but I ended up having to call Dr. R (surgeon). They said that it sounded like I was having an issue with getting enough fiber and for me to start taking fiber supplements. (and yes, before you ask I get in my water every day). I have been taking the fiber since about the end of June and things still don't seem "normal" in texture (gross, I know). I'll have maybe 2 good days and then several days of being borderline constipated. I have been to my PCP about the problem because the hard BMs have caused me to have a hemorrhoid. I don't know what else to try. I have tried to increase the number of fruits and veggies I eat and I'm still taking the fiber pills. I'm normal as far as I go at least once a day and sometimes twice but with this hemorrhoid, I'm about to die. Has anyone else had this issue? Anyone got any suggestions? School just started back so I hate to have to take time to goto the Dr again (not to mention this is somewhat of an embarrassing issue).
Preparation H and Tucks cleansing pads for the hemorrhoid. Once you get that thing shrunken and get rid of the pain you'll feel better.
Try not to sit on the toilet any longer than it takes to actually "do your business", don't linger.
Have you tried adding a stool softener like Colace?
You have my sympathies.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Unfortunately, constipation is one of the side effects of our choice in surgery. After 18 years of IBS, I never thought I would be dealing with the opposite issue. I did find that my iron supplement was a big contributing factor for me.
Since I am post-menopausal, I asked Dr. Spaw if I really needed it. He decided that my labs were great even though I had only been taking the Foltrin sporadically. So, he agreed that I could stop the Foltrin and just go on a monthly b12 shot. My multi still has iron in it. So I am getting some iron just not the extra dose that you younger women need.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Sorry to hear about your issue.... I know it is the worse feeling ever! Since surgery, my BMs only occur like twice a week, maybe 3...but I've never really been concerned with it. I've never forced the "issue" and have only need MOM like twice..but at any rate, could it possibly be that you may just have BMs only a couple of times a week?? Just a thought.
Hi Kristen. I am sorry to hear about you having to deal with this problem. I deal with it too. I had IBS (constipation form) prior to surgery and I thought the surgery would help that. nope! I only go to the bathroom twice a week - sometimes 3. And I usually keep hemmroids regularly. Not fun at all. All the Dr will tell you is to take a stool softner and/or fiber daily and up your water intake. Nothing more they can really do. I know if I do not go to the bathroom after a couple of days, I usually eat sugar free candy/cookies. I guess it is the sugar alcohol in it but that always makes me go! And it is a good excuse to eat SF cookies!! haha. I also try to eat Fiber One cereal sometimes. I hope you find something that works for you so you do not have to keep dealing with it.
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150 (Goal)