PCP/Tenncare related...please read
Recently my husband took another job so we no longer have commercial insurance. My secondary, which is Tenncare (Americhoice), has become my primary insurance for the time being. I just got a letter in the mail today from my PCP saying that she regrettfully can no longer see me as a patient. She did not have any problem as long as I had commercial insurance and no reason was given. The letter is dated 4 days after I told her office of the insurance change. She is IN-NETWORK for TennCare. Can she do this? I have seen her for 15 months. I am established.
I thought this was a cruel thing to do to a patient.
Thank you for reading.........
I have had a similiar situation with Medicare, and in my experience. Yes, she can.
I am only guessing, but she may be having a hard time getting her money from Tenncare.
I am not from TN, so I have no idea how Tenncare works, I do hope you find a postive
solution soon.
Good luck and Take care,