THE FATTY LIBERATION MOVMENT...this ain't no sh*t either...
I took it upon myself to contact (by phone) the New England Journal of Medicine concerning that damn article about if your friends are fat you will be also…..Keep in mind this article appeared in the same issue as the article about the cat that predicts when nursing home patients are about to die…(“’granny what is the kitty doing?’ granny with tears says ’he has come to take me home Timmy’” {actual paraphrase of lines from article}) I explained to Gerald Dean, who just so happened to be the lucky guy to answer my call, that the study quoted lacked a true study sample (it only looked at 21 obese people and their friends) which college freshman taking statistics all learn that since that sample(21 people) can’t represent the population therefore the study cannot meet the requirements in order to have a conclusive hypothesis. I also, in written form wrote several newspapers across the country questioning their reporting without reading the original source. POWER TO THE FATTY!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
This is my e-mail to John Tesh......
Hey John Tesh,
As I was driving into work this morning I was luckily enough hear your segment on Obesity Is ‘Socially Contagious’ First of all, let me say WOW!! Man what a great feeling you must be feeling today, just think of all the lovely thin, beautiful, attractive fine-looking people you have informed today and hopefully now that they are educated you have saved them in time before any sincere relationship with any fat people have polluted and contaminated there health.
I know you’re just the messenger and you’re just reporting the publication from July 26 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, so you and your team should not feel any personal remorse as now countless Fat people are being avoided and friendships discarded.
Here a tip, maybe in the upcoming weeks all of you skinny people could have a meeting and design an armband that all of us fat people could wear to help ya’ll identify us fatties so one day ya’ll could herd us all together and hide us away and get rid of the problem all at once, you could be the leader of “Save the Scrawny minded Thin people”
Glenn Stone “fat G”
P.S.I hopes you have the proper protection from this E-mail because I am Contagious.
Got this reply...
Hi Glenn:
Thank you for taking the time to email us at The John Tesh Radio Show. I am the Executive Producer and I gave that piece of information to John to use on air. I, myself, am overweight and struggle with maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program. However, I found the information on almost every website we visit for research – and saw the story presented on almost every news channel. Our criteria for choosing information are it must be interesting, relevant, and cannot contain any crude language or adult themes. I get the sense from your email that you were offended and hurt that we repeated the story. That was not our intention. Please accept my apology for offending you by selecting that story. I hope you will continue to listen.
Betsy Chase
Executive Producer / The John Tesh Radio Show