Abdominal gas

on 8/3/07 2:14 am - Martin, TN
Have any of you had problems with abdominal gas?  It happens to me a lot (and even more frequently now)...just under my breast bone in the upper abdomin...like someone is running a knife through me.  I belch a LOT and am thankful I don't share my office with anyone!   It really hurts and I wish I knew what was causing it.  I have it right now and I didn't eat anything that was gas producing.   If you have this problem, what do you do about it?  I am tired of hurting and burping!
Susan J.
on 8/3/07 8:57 am - Madison, TN
Have you tried Rolaids Multi-Symptom? These work for me when nothing else did. I tried probiotics, Gas X, Phazym (however you spell it), etc. You name it, I tried it. Two (or four) of the Rolaids Multi-Symptom and I can be around polite company again. Also, check the amount of sugar free items you are eating. Are they high in malitol, sorbitol, any of the "tol" sweeteners? These make me unfit to be around people. I also found that taking any fiber supplement did a number on me. I just make sure I eat some fruits and veggies every day and walk away from the Miralax, FiberCon, Benefiber, etc. There were times that I have run my husband out of the room, and that man can peel paint!!!!!! He would tell me that I needed to name some of the vapors that were coming out of me. I apologize to anyone who is offended by this overload of information. I really am a lady and would NEVER do any of what I have talked about here.  Besides, everyone knows that ladies don't f--t, they fluff! Sometimes I'm just very fluffy!!

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 8/3/07 9:21 am - Martin, TN

You know, ironically, as soon as I posted that my co-worker came in with Extra Strength Tums Smoothies and I tried two or three of those and almost IMMEDIATELY the gas went away.  Needless to say I went to Walmart this evening and bought two bottles worth!

Yeah, sugar free items do it to me and sometimes just drinking water too fast does it.  It is weird!  Personally I hope you HAVE done all those things because I know I have!  Sometimes it gets quite ripe!

Susan J.
on 8/3/07 9:06 pm - Madison, TN
I'm right there with you on the ripeness! More than once my husband has taken responsibility for my "aroma" and noise when we were out in public. He would rather have people believe it was him than have me embarassed. Now that's LOVE!!!

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 8/3/07 11:33 pm - Martin, TN
Now THAT man is a keeper!
Darlene H.
on 8/4/07 6:05 am - Pinson, TN
For the peel the paint, make the animals pass out fumes, I use Devrom, which is advertised here on OH, and it really works. As a matter of fact, I am feeling quite "fluffY" today.  I may try those rolaids or tums, Gas x doesn't do it for me either. Darlene
Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 8/4/07 6:20 am - Martin, TN
I have never heard of Devrom.  I might need to try some of that.  There are still times when I wonder just WHERE the dead animals are in the bathroom!
Darlene H.
on 8/4/07 7:43 am - Pinson, TN
I can't remember which page the ad is on, but here is the link. http://www.devrom.com/ I use the chewables, they taste really good, but they have a capsule and a friend says they work well to.  So either one you chose, they both work.  I take 4 a day, if I eat something that I know usually makes me stinky, I will take an extra one, but for the most part 4 takes care of it. Darlene
Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

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