Update on lil' big ole me...

on 8/2/07 10:58 am - Springfield, TN

I say big because I already feel like a blimp hahaha

I had my baby's first picture taken today :-) Though mind you, she looked like a gray mass in the shape of a bean. It was very surreal. It was like wow, that is actually growing inside of me! I am 10 weeks and 6 days according the the ultrasound. My OB thought I would be almost 12-13 weeks by now. I was suppose to be able to have the 1st trimester screening done to detect for down's syndrome, but I am not far along enough yet. So I get to go back on August 13th for another ultrasound...which I don't mind at all :-) When I go back, I'll be 12 weeks and 3 days. My due date is Feburary 22nd. I've gained about 2-4 lbs so far. The scales bounce up and down horribly! My size 14s are really uncomfortable and have since pulled out my 16s and 18s. Thank goodness I held onto them! I don't have any work clothes in those sizes though so I had to go buy some things. This weekend is the tax free weekend so I might go get a couple more outfits that I feel comfortable wearing. I'm at the point where I can't stand anything to touch me. Thankfully the nauseous went away a few weeks ago, though since then, I have been eating everything in sight. All I have really been wanting is ceral with milk. Special K makes a protein plus cereal which is pretty good and probably the healthiest of all cereals and it has 10 grams of protein per 3/4 c. Which when you eat with milk, it goes straight through you. I usually add a banana. At any rate, I stay in a perpetual state of sleepiness. When I'm not at work, I'm usually asleep. I even come home on my lunch hour to take a 20-30 minute nap. Come home at the end of the day and sleep for 2-3 more hours and then sleep all night with the exception of getting up every 2 hours to pee. I'm hoping that I'll get my energy back in the next couple of weeks and start exercising again. I feel like the biggest sloth ever b/c I'm too tired to exercise. But then I think, I'm growing a human being and I go into this state of wonderment and amazement and giddiness almost and feel better instantly. I think of the love I feel already for her. I'm really wanting a girl so maybe if I go ahead and give it a gender, it will be what I want hahaha. Darren and I have already decided on names too... Madeline Marie if she is a girl and Nicholas Lee if she is a boy lol. We decided to stick with the first names that we both liked and agreed upon instead of just dwelling on it for the next 6 + months. Well.... I think that is it as for an update. As soon as I can figure out a way to get the ultrasound pics online, I'll post those. I hope everyone is doing well! I hope to see everyone at the August Luncheon :-)




on 8/2/07 11:09 am

Congratulations on your wonderfully giddy pregnancy!  You will get your energy back before you know it! Thanks for the update! Freddie

  Before WLS              
Before......   Surgery......  Post-op.....
on 8/2/07 11:11 am - Springfield, TN
Thanks Freddie, I sure can't wait for the energy to come back!



on 8/2/07 11:09 am - Nashville, TN
April, you are doing wonderful and I am sure you are a beautiful pregnant woman!!! Shelia
on 8/2/07 11:13 am - Springfield, TN
Thanks Shelia!!



Elena Dench
on 8/2/07 7:24 pm - La Vergne, TN
Hi April, You brought a tear to my eyes reading your post.  You sound so happy, and as Shelia said, I'm sure you're just beautiful from the glow!! While shopping this weekend, make sure get some clothes that will accommodate your (female) human being growing inside you!  Take advantage of the no taxes!  I'm going to send out pink and purple wishes laced with estrogen your way!!! haha 

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

(deactivated member)
on 8/2/07 10:23 pm - Greenfield, TN
Hi April,   I know it is so exciting to be a new mommy. Just wait till she starts kicking around in your belly. My baby daughter (23) Is 6 months with her first. She has to call me 3 or 4 times a day telling me some new experience. She is having a boy. Silas Griffin Burns. She said he is going to be a pro baseball player. She has not gained 1 lb. She has been so sick though.  She is over weight like me so I am so glad she hasn't. I know today she will (has appointment) because her belly in the past month looks like she swallowed a watermellon + the swelling. Her ankles are huge & blood pressure is through the roof. I am afraid she will have to quit work after today. She don't mind. She works at a hospital. Sorry I got carried away on her. It will be my 5th grandchild. I am so proud for you & know you will be a wonderful mommy. I bet you have the expecting glow.  Best of luck & keep us posted, Ellen
on 8/2/07 11:14 pm - Knoxville, TN
I know this doesnt respond to your post, but my page looks different and I do not see where new post  are.  Is everyones page different I dont like it..... Annrenee


Misty A.
on 8/3/07 12:26 am - White House, TN
Hi April! I have been wondering how you have been doing. I figured you have been resting - and you should. It sounds like everything is going great for you and Madeline. Love the names you picked out by the way. I can not believe your first trimester is already almost over. Time flies by doesn't it. Of course you may not feel that way in about 6 months when you are ready to deliver and time is going by slowly! At least the nausea is now over. That is a good thing. Keep taking it easy and resting and I hope to talk to you or see you soon.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 8/3/07 8:48 am - Springfield, TN
Hey April!! Haven't seen you around the Y lately but I understand why. Carrying a little one can be exhausting. Tell Sweet Madeline to take it easy on her mommy.;  )  Glad you are doing well and the baby is healthy. Hope to see you at the lunch next weekend. Take Care!

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