Fill Doctors or Centers in the Nashville area
Check with Garrgirl She is local, Mt. Juliet. I had my surgery @ Centennial Womens Hospital. My Dr is DR Houston and he is great in my opinion. There are several great DR's in Nashville that do fills. Welcome aboard. Maybe soon we can get a MT. Juliet group together.
Life is a string of problems, held together by moments of pure bliss. Enjoy the moment it may be your BLISS!
Linda Tidwell
Linda Tidwell
Thank you for replying to my post.
I use to work in the Centennial operating room and know all about the surgery. That is a great group of people and the OR is one of the finest.
The fee's for being one of Dr. Huston's non-surgical patients (someone he did not band) are too high.
Most Doctors who do fills are the one's who also preform the surgery. I am seeking a "fill doctor" or "fill center" such as Fill Center USA (however Fill Center USA does not have anyone in the Nashville area).
It is difficult to find a surgeon who will do fills on a patient from Mexico and most in the Nashville area will not , if they do they charge a hefty fee many problems can arise... what if they need to be hospitalized for a band slip or erosion??. the closest fill centers are in Gerogia simply type in ...fill center usa.... in your browser bar. Dr david Dyer did my surgery at Centennial .. he charges 100.00 for his services and Centeninal charges 150.00 for their hospital room, the flouro, painshot, xraysand the tech.. total is 250.00 if you do not have insurance .. you can call and check and see if he will accept pateints from Mexico and verify this amount #615-342-5830
6/01/07 60lblost 7/5/07 -65lbs!.9/10/07.70lb.lost Sept26..75lb lost.10/29/07 80lbslost!11/12/07 85lblost.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.
As I have stated, I have worked at Centenial in the operating room with Dr. Dyer and Dr. Olsen, and Dr. Spaw (he had operating rights at Centenial when I worked there) and am versed in what they all offer and how they preform as far as skill level during the surgery. There fees for patients they have not preformed the surgery are a lot higher than for the ones they have preformed the surgery. So, my fee would be a lot higher than the 250.00 you mentioned. << pout>>
I am well aware of all the problems that can arise during and post surgery, as well as how to find "fill Center USA" on the web.
The purpose of my post was only to find someone who had NOT had surgery in Nashville who is getting fills / adjustments. I know there are a hand full of us out there and as time goes by, there will be a huge boat load of us.
One post I found on the web was for a primary care doctor off Elm Hill Pike in Nashville who preformed adjustments (yes, he was trained to do them. I went to that office and it is no longer there. If I do not find what I seek on ObesityHelp, I will post what research I find in the up comming weeks.
Thanks in advance for all *****ply to this request for data. It would be nice if no one went on off topic data but suck to fill doctors that accept patients they did not preform the surgery on, and their cost and any other comments about their experience with the fill from said doctor.
At the tope if this page click on forums then scroll down to................ more forums.... look for weight loss related forums .scroll down to south of the border forum .. you may get some information there also you may get support and help in the lap band forum ..
6/01/07 60lblost 7/5/07 -65lbs!.9/10/07.70lb.lost Sept26..75lb lost.10/29/07 80lbslost!11/12/07 85lblost.