Hello All!! sorry have been so busy

on 8/1/07 4:31 am - Seymour, TN

Hello all, sorry has been awhile. Have had so many things occur. mainly my special needs daughter getting hurt at summer school. Her so called one on one aide allowed her to fall from a generic wheelchair they use at school at times( and they are not ti use with my daughter, and they know this, but did anyway) allowed her to fall and she wound up having to get 3 stitches below her left eyebrow. The nurse at the school allowed her to lay down and take a nap after it occured( maybe it is me, but as a nurse shouldn't she have known not to allow a head injury person to lay down?)  (my daughter has a shunt on that side of her head)  and they never took her to the er, I had to drive 30 min. to the school and then 40 min. to the er. And now they have come up with 3 different stories about what occured. Never once in her 21 years has she ever been **hurt** yes she had had 79 surgeries, but she has never been hurt, as I watch her very carefully.They also allowed my daughter 3 different time to ride the bus home with a diaper so wet her pants were soaking wet, and once with bm running down her legs.  So needless to say I have a meeting set up with them and I told them in no uncertain terms that, they will do something about all of this, or I would hire a lawyer and make them do something.  I love my daughter to much, and I cried every time I looked at her and saw her eye swollen and black and blue. She has been in this school district for 14 years, so they do know her, and should have been more careful with her. Sorry to go off about all this, but it just makes me so upset that she was hurt like this. I have had to pray so much to try to forgive them, but have not been able to yet within my heart. So that also makes me feel horrible.  And my legs get worse as each day passes, with no hope of being allowed WLS surgery in the near future. Thanks for allowing me to *vent* everyone.  *hugggggggggs* alicem

on 8/1/07 4:40 am - Seymour, TN
sorry all forgot to add, that yes when my daughter holds a persons hand she walks fine and or she uses her walker. Not for long distances, say like a field trip to the zoo or some such thing. but around the school she will walk fine *S*
on 8/1/07 4:49 am - Springfield, TN
Good to hear from you Alice. Sorry to hear this happened to your daughter. Hope she heals soon and this never happens again. Give her a {{hug}} for me.

on 8/1/07 5:41 am

Hi Alice! I'm so sorry to hear about what happened with your daughter.  I know that nothing bothers me more than someone doing my child wrong.  Good luck in dealing with the school.  My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family as you recover from this horrible situation!



  Before WLS              
Before......   Surgery......  Post-op.....
Darlene H.
on 8/1/07 7:09 am - Pinson, TN
Alice, I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers.  I am glad that you have this board to come and vent for. Darlene
Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 8/2/07 12:49 pm - Nashville, TN
Rhonda,            My heart goes out to you and I understand how it is hard to trust someone with your child, especially when your child has additional medical concerns.  Keep us posted and we will be here to help support you!!! My prayers are with you !! Shelia
on 9/5/07 1:55 pm

I am so sorry to have to inform you of recent events.May god have mercy on Alicem and her daughter.
on 9/5/07 2:14 pm

Mother allegedly kills self, handicapped daughter

By: Anthony Welsch,
Date created: 9/3/2007 10:36:14 PM
Last updated: 9/4/2007 12:34:55 PM
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Investigators say a Seymour woman took her own life, and that of her handicapped daughter's in a tragic murder-suicide case in Sevier County.
The Sevier County Sheriff's Department responded early Sunday morning and found the two women--- and a note inside a car at Alice Neff's home in Seymour.

Howard Olson, a neighbor to the 42 year old woman says late Saturday night, he heard pounding on his door. He went to answer, it was a once live-in boyfriend of Neff's, asking for a phone to call 9-1-1.

Olson says the man had lived with Neff in the past. He believed the couple had a falling out about a week ago.

That man opened the front door to the home and found several cats lying dead. He thought a natural gas leak was to blame.

But the source of the poison was the garage.

"And when the garage door opened, the car was running and he went up there and looked. Alice was in the front seat and Hillary was in the backseat. They were both gone," Olson said.

Hours later, the Sheriff's Department found a suicide note and both women dead from carbon monoxide inhalation inside.

"I just assume when she decided to do this, she couldn't bear the thought of anyone else taking care of Hillary so she included her, in her suicide," Olson said.

He says Neff treated her daughter well.

"Just like a little queen. She was her little queen," he said.

She refused to send her to a care facility and always seemed more than willing to take on some of the extra tasks associated with having a handicapped child.

"You feel so helpless because there is so little you can do."

Now, neighbors are left wondering if there was anything anyone could have done to prevent all this from happening.

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