Help Me I'm gaining weight
What I have heard is to go back to basics - protein first, no carbs, make sure you stop drinking 15 - 30 minutes before a meal and don't drink again for 30 minutes to an hour after a meal, minimum of 64 oz of water, exercise.
You might also want to check with your surgeon to see if there is some mechanical reason for the regain, like a stretched pouch and/or stoma. There is a new procedure being done to repair a stretched pouch/stoma. As far as I know, Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville is the only place in Tennessee currently performing the procedure. It is usually covered by insurance provided your policy covers WLS and you meet certain criteria.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
I had gained 60 lbs back before I got a hold on myself. My suggestion is to find out why you are eating things you shouldn't, because that is what causes the gain. When you figure out what changed and why, then you work on getting rid of the problem. Back to basics is the best thing to do. You can lose on a 400-600 calorie eating plan. If you are not exercising, you need to start. Something aerobic is best to help lose, walking for an hour at a brisk pace is the best. You need to work up a sweat, that means you are burning calories. Make sure you are getting 60-80grams of protein and a minimum of 64 oz of clear liquids. The best way to know you are getting enough liquids is to divide your weight in half, that is the amount of liquid you should be taking in. Say you are at 206, then you should be getting 103 oz of clear fluids.
I have found that adding diet drinks back to my diet has hurt me more than anything else.
The main thing you have to do is to want to find out why and to change the why.
Good luck
i'm sorry to hear that but i would like to know the answer also so let me know to ,please i'll be one year out on the 22nd have only lost 85 lbs i should have lost 120 by now so i'm doing really bad.......could anybody give me some better ways to get back to the protein and stick with it,i would appreciate any hlep thanks crystal