pre-op testing rescheduled
I went for my pre-op testing at baptist today and after waiting for an hour and half, they call me back and asked some questions. Come to find out, they made me rescheduled because I had sex with my husband since my last period. I dunno if I'm an idiot but I had no idea, but just because the mere possibility exsists I could be pregnant. Even if almost impossible. I'm mad because noone mentioned that I shouldn't have sex with my husband even with protection. Anyway they rescheduled my testing for august 10th, three days before my surgery to include blood pregnancy test. I'm kinda worried that the testing is too close to surgery and I have family already scheduled off to be here.
Everything happens for a reason..... Just use protection until your next blood tests.... three days before your surgery seems like awful close.....Did they do a smoking test on you?....I don't smoke and told them that and they HAD to do a smoking test on me anyway!!!...I think even second hand smoke prohibits healing..... and I sure don't want to mess that up!!! My surgery is August 10th!!
Work like you don't need the money......
Well they didn't even ask like that we used protection or what not. lol no more til well after surgery. As for a smoking test, I don't smoke, never have and am never around people who smoke. I am worried that the testing for everything is so close to surgery, just because I don't want there to be some problem that is gonna have to have the surgery rescheduled.
You really would think they would tell you about something that important. This is the first time I have heard of this even coming up.
I'm sure that was frustrating, especially after waiting so long. I don't think there will be anything to hold up your scheduled surgery though.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Yeah I was completely in shock and almost in tears. She originally said my surgery would need to be rescheduled but then said they could do the blood pregnancy test and everything on the 10th and still have my surgery on the 13th. But still I was angry that nobody every mentioned that to me ahead of time. I knew I was going to have xrays, but who thinks gee maybe I should refrain from being intimate with my husband the entire month before my surgery.