Your story really touches my heart! I am on my second marriage. My first husband (whom I lovingly refer to as Satan!) chose drugs over me and my daughter. He was handsome but not much for smarts!
I know that starting over is rough but you know...it can also be wonderful! I don't know about you but I already feel so much better!!!! I'm constantly amazed at the changes happening every day since my surgery. It's like I get do-over! Just like a kid!!! This time I am going to have more fun and worry less! Chanel products can only cover so much!
Okay so you stripped naked..Good for you! Now put on your party dress and let's have some fun!
I am so happy that you are here! So I guess we will be seeing you at the lunch bunch? Bring the kids...everyone is welcome. I have a sixteen year old daughter who may end up coming with me.
Big happy smile!
Hi Missy. I like your avatar. I am glad you felt comfortable putting your story out there. It is a hard thing. But I think it helps you more in the long run to keep some type of journal - either for yourself or on here. It is just something to look back through and to get everything out you need to get out. Also, you have done a great job with your weight loss so soon after surgery. Keep up the great work!
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Super big hugs Missy
Hope to meet you soon.
Friends forever,Adrienne