Broke my glasses
Hi all it is extrememly hard to check into everyones posts and to reply to these. I broke my glasses on Friday so was forced to use my old contacts and they are so much worse than anything I wore them about 6 hours and still have the headache left over from then. I haven't put them back in since then, I did go to the eye dr. to get a new proscription the glasses were from 2003 and they changed them to -19.00 -14 something... I got lucky they only go up to -20.00 so I'm like 1 degree off from not being able to get glasses at all because they just don't make them in a higher power unless i go to a EXPENSIVE clinic last time I did that the glasses were $1005.00 just for one pair of glasses and I have no insurace that pays for them which I don't understand at all!!!
Anyway it will take them a whole 2 weeks to get mine made up for me. So in the mean time I'm just walking around blind as a bat literally. I wont be doing much on here or on the computer at all actually. Might just listen to the radio or listen to the tv some, I need to get a new cane too, I bent mine when I almost fell yesterday going outside to get the mail. Wont be doing that anymore either lol.
Okay well time to go lay down head busting again.
Hope all of you are well and doing wonderful!