Sleepy Sunday

Hey Girl, I am tired today and I am feeling a little stressed, I start back to school full-time tomorrow and I am a little stressed out about it. I sure hope that I can handle everything I have going on at my full-time job, school, personally, and everything else. I guess we will all see if I can carry the load and carry it well!!!! I may need a forklift to go with my LOSERS bench, know where I can get one??? I love your new picture, it really shows how beautiful you are!!

Hey Shelia! Sounds like you are gonna have one heavy load to carry. I have been there and done that. At one time I was working two jobs, going to school and raising my two girls on my own. It is very hard but you can do this! I have faith you can achieve anything you put your mind to.
Thanks for the compliment, I hardly consider myself beautiful but it is always nice to hear.