Any Whey

Melissa M.
on 7/27/07 8:41 am
Sorry it's been so long since I have posted anything-  I have been lurking and reading everyones post- congrats to all who have had surgury this past week and prayers for all the others.  Question- does any one know if they sell "any Whey" here in nashville or will I only be able to order it?  Just was wondering


on 7/27/07 8:49 am - Lebanon, TN
I was at the Sugar Free Store this afternoon and asked Connie and she said she is suppose to be getting some soon.  Otherwise I am gonna order it on the bariatriceating website.  She had some cases of achiev but I just bought a single one and a couple bullet, she was out of alot of stuff.  I don't know other local stores who carry all that. 

on 7/27/07 8:52 am - Nashville, TN
Hey Melissa,          I purchased mine at Advanced Nutrition in the Hickory Hollow area (not the mall) but in the area.  I also believe that GNC sells it, you can call your local store and ask, however make sure it looks like this; because this is the only one that is tasteless, others still have some taste to them, but you can not tell this is in your products.  It is really great with Sugar Free Pudding!! Hope this helps!!! Shelia
Rhonda B.
on 7/27/07 11:10 am, edited 7/27/07 11:10 am - Cookeville, TN
Gotta get some of that! one container too much??  I know I'll need my protein, but I'm just thinking I'll be eating so little...won't it take forever to use it all?  If so, maybe Lisa (or somebody) and I should put our pennies together and split one?   Rhonda
on 7/27/07 11:29 am, edited 7/27/07 11:29 am - Nashville, TN
That would not be a bad idea with some of the other mixes, like the Matrix powders, however since the Any Whey is tasteless, it can be used more often, just look at the expiration date, they usually do not expire very quickly and you will use them.  If you split the Matrix, it will let you know if you like it without the complete expense, or you can share and have a variety.  I will say, one expense you would truly be glad that you did, would be to get a Magic Bullet, this is much better than a blender and it can be used in the puree stage and throughout the rest of your life!!!
Susan J.
on 7/27/07 9:58 pm - Madison, TN
You can purchase Any Whey locally at any GNC. Also, Shelia knows of a store in Nashville that has a better price on it than GNC. I can't remember the name of the place though.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Melissa M.
on 7/28/07 6:01 am
Thanks for all the advice.  Will try and get some this weekend.


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