REALLY, BIG, super HUGE news!!!!

on 7/21/07 5:52 am - 'boro, TN

OMG, I can't believe it guys but I am pregnant!!!

We have been thinking about having a baby in a fews years, but it turns out I am 9 weeks pregnant now!!! I'm excited and scared because I am about 14 months post op. This is too early but I am going to make sure I do everything I can to have a healthy baby!!! Anyone have any advice? Extra vitamins? I called Vandy but no one from Dr. Tourqarti's office has called yet!

Elizabeth O.
on 7/21/07 6:53 am - nashville, TN
CONGRATULATIONS!!!   That is wonderful news.  Good Luck and God Bless. Beth
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

Susan J.
on 7/21/07 8:01 am - Madison, TN
  Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! You and April will be able to share your post WLS pregnancy stories. Jaci is going to be a mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom And Baby I'm sure you'll do fine. Dr. Spaw told me as long as we have passed the 1 year mark there should be no problem.  No, I'm not pregnant! I had asked him for another reason.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 7/21/07 10:37 am
Congrats.  I'm talking to my wife about doing this together she is exactly you size when you had your OP.  She's nervous about it because we want to have a second child.  This answered a question that she had about waiting a year.  Thanks and congrats. I have a two year old and don't know what I did before I had her.
on 7/21/07 10:44 am - Springfield, TN

Jacqueline!! That is wonderful!!

I don't know if you saw my post about a month ago, but I'm pregnant TOOOO!!!! I'm 10 or 11 weeks preggers! Due in February. I'm 15 and 1/2 months post op and my doc told me that everything should be fine. My nut just told me to keep taking everything and just add 400 mg of folic acid. However, my OB's office just recommend that I keep taking everything but the multi-vitamin and just replace that with a prenatal b/c it has all the folic acid needed. Oh and you need to add 300 calories/day to your diet - I've been adding cheese, yogurt, and peanut butter on a slice of low carb bread in between meals b/c I get hungry more often. Have you had any symptoms??



on 7/22/07 8:49 am - 'boro, TN
Awww thanks guys!!! I have been really nervous about this pregnancy, because I didn't wait the whole two years they told us before hand. Ahhh!!! I went out and bought some prenatal vitamins and they are killing my stomach. As for the calories, about how many do you think we should be at now... like 1000? and then adding some for the baby would make it 300... I guess im just seriously paranoid about the baby. I never pay attention to how much I eat or when I eat it, and now I feel I must!!! I lost 2 pounds this week ( putting me at 132 ) and that also scared me, although the nurse said it is very normal for women to loose in the first trimester!!! I'm have morning sickness, which is funny because it never comes in the morning. And terrible cramping.. Oh and April Congrats!!!!!!!! I am due in late Feb. that is too funny that we are about the same time out. I'm excited to have someone to compair notes with!!! Are you hoping for a boy or a girl? How have you been feeling? It it messing with your head at all to have lost all the weight and now are about to get big again... I know it sounds selfish but it's messing with my head a little. I keep telling myself that fat is not the same as pregnant. lol!
on 7/22/07 11:10 am - Nashville, TN


 Baby You are much healthier and ready to Love Mommy & Baby Your baby, Change all those diapersPeeing Baby , put them to sleep  Crib 2, taking them for a stroll  Stroller and watch your hubby too Daddy & Baby I am so happy for the both of you!!!  It sounds like Paula is going to be very busy  Babysitting  between both you and April!!! Shelia

on 7/22/07 11:41 am - Springfield, TN

When you visit your OB, they should prescribe you a prenatal vitamin. A lot of women get sick on prenatals. So if the one your taking is making you feel yucky then get another brand. My OB gave me a sample to see if I had any adverse effects, if I did, then they would give me another sample to try - I didn't - so she gave me a prescription for what worked. Until you get to go to your first OB appt, continue your mult-vitamin that you normally would take and just add like a 400 mcg folic acid supplement. That shouldnt make you feel so yucky.

Before I found out I was pregnant, I was probably doing about 1000 calories. Now, I just add snacks of cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, fruit in between my meals because I do get hungry more often. I am really sick feeling in the mornings and the only thing that has helped with that is crackers and pretzels. I get sick feeling off and on throughout the day. Though I have been fortunate enough to be able to keep my food down. I cramped a lot in the beginning.. not so much right now. I have been super duper tired. I sleep at every chance! I even go home on my lunch hour to take a nap. I come home from work, eat, and go to sleep. Oh and the never ending peeing!!!!! AHHH!

My pants (sz 14) have gotten super tight. They started getting tight around 2 weeks ago. Now they're almost unbearable to sit in. So that has really messed with me. But I keep telling myself... I'm pregnant and even though I'm only almost 3 months, every woman is different and will gain differently in different areas. I lost 3 lbs right after I found out I was pregnant, but have since gained it back. A little saddening, but its all good. I have my first OB appt. Tuesday. Hopefully I'll get to do an ultrasound and hear its heartbeat!



(deactivated member)
on 7/21/07 11:55 am
I am so happy for you!!!  Congrats!  Just like I told April, I LOVE babies.  I volunteer to babysit!!! Sounds like we need to be planning some baby showers!!!!  Wooohooo!   I am so happy for you guys! Hugz!
Misty A.
on 7/22/07 4:45 am - White House, TN
Jacqui, That is great. I am so happy for you. I saw Dr Torquati recently for my one year appointment and he said that it was ok to get pregnant now so you should be fine. He just said you have to take folic in your vitamin and add 300 calories to your diet and to get a good OB. Here is to a happy and healthy 9 months (or 7 now). You have done great with your surgery and I know you will do just as great with this prganany and being a great mom. CONGRATS!

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150 (Goal)

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