I need to know

Adrienne M.
on 7/21/07 4:55 am - La Vergne, TN
Did any of you losers have a "last meal"? By this I mean your fave foods before surgery... kinda to say goodbye ...hope this isn't weird. Thanks ,Adrienne
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Susan J.
on 7/21/07 5:09 am - Madison, TN
I had several.LOL I didn't think of them as saying goodbye though. It was more like "until we meet again". I now enjoy many of the foods I loved pre-op. Just not in the quantities I did then. A lot of the foods I loved before surgery just don't appeal to me anymore. I have tried some things that just don't taste as good as I remember. Once I try something and find that it no longer appeals to me, I don't miss it. Go ahead and enjoy "sensible" portions of your favorites as you get closer to your pre-op diet. If you deny yourself, you are more apt to fall into that "last meal" syndrome and overdo it.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 7/21/07 10:51 am - Springfield, TN

I had several last meals. I gained 8lbs b/w my consultation and my surgery a month later.... my very last one was Olive Garden. I had everything - appetizer, entree, fruity mixed drinks, bread, salad, dessert. OHHH I was sooo miserable!

But you know, you'll be able to eventually enjoy eating your favorites however in moderation. You'll come to not even want some foods that you liked before surgery, you'll more than likely learn to make healthier choices and enjoy those much more. I still occassionally will have an old favorite, but of course in moderation. Whatever I don't eat, my husband usually eats so I don't have to sit and look at it. Oh and exercise is key! Start exercising as soon as possible! Good luck.



Misty A.
on 7/22/07 11:44 pm - White House, TN
Trust me- it is not weird. Oh yes! I did go through the "last Meal" syndrome. And I think about it now and laugh. I was saying goodbye to my favorites ( I was also a huge Olive Garden and mexican food fanatic). I just thought I would not be eating that stuff ever agian so I chowed down on everything for like two weeks before my surgery.  But then come to find out, like Susan and April said, you CAN eat that stuff agian. It will be a while but you eventually can. Of course, not like you did before and some stuff you still can't eat (like something with a lot of sugar in it) but eventually, you will be able to tolerate it - if you want it. I know i can not stand pasta or bread items anymore. I think it is the white flour that gets me. It is just taste nasty to me so I do not eat pasta and used to love it. I also do not eat Mexican anymore because I do not like all that grease. It taste gross to me too. I am surprised but that but I am happy about it because I used to eat that all the time and don't want to get back into that habit. But I have gone back to Olive Garden if I want but just eat smaller more sensible meals. A lot of people will say "Do not do the Last Meal" syndrome but to each his own. I did and do not really regret it. Just do not think that you are having to say goodbye as much as you are saying - see you later!

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

Adrienne M.
on 7/23/07 3:05 am - La Vergne, TN
I want to thank you all for your very good and insiteful responses. I did have my last meal.. and have to say I did enjoy it even as I knew it was adding more weight I tried to not feel guilty because I can be very strict with myself when need be , and that of course is now .. 2 weeks till surgery and I plan on being very very good. have to tell you what I had LOL KFC breast and wing and 3 biscuits, mashed potatoes( a ton).and sonic onion rings........after all this I did not go buy that cheesecake I had wanted, so maybe after I lose the weight i can find a sugar free one and have a bite !
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Susan J.
on 7/23/07 3:18 am - Madison, TN
At this point in my journey, if I want a bite of cheesecake, or any other dessert, I have it. But, I only have a small bite or 2.  That little bit of sugar doesn't bother me so I have the real deal and 1 or 2 bites takes care of the desire. I just make sure I have had my protein meal just before I have the bite of sugary stuff.  I also only do this once in a while. Certainly not every day or every week or even every month.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 7/23/07 11:43 am - Nashville, TN
You can still have your Cheesecake, right after surgery......WELL that is a little S-T-R-E-C-H-E-D , you can use Jell-O Sugar Free Cheesecake pudding, with Fat Free Calorie Countdown milk, and add two scoops of Any Whey Protein poweder, this is really good.  You can actually do this with any SF Pudding, it is low in calories, no fat and high in protein when you add the Any Whey (unflavored). Therefore, you do not have to worry about that Cheesecake after all!!! You are doing great!!! Shelia
on 7/23/07 5:08 am - Mt Juliet, TN

Hey ladies, I have some dumb questions about post surgery do you mind describing what I can expect? What about going back to work? I really need to get back in a couple of weeks. I chug my water now...but how hard is it to get your water rations afterwards? I have no trouble getting 64 oz of water down now, but it seems that getting any fluids down after RNY will be difficult...true?

I'm just trying to get my arms around all this stuff. Thanks  Will

Susan J.
on 7/23/07 5:18 am - Madison, TN
If you have a job requiring a lot of lifting, you will need to be off a bit longer or go back with lifting restrictions. Remember lifting restrictions also go for pushing and pulling that same amount of weight. Basically, you can go back to a desk job after a couple of weeks. Expect your energy level to be non-existant for a couple of months. I would be wiped out by the end of the day just from doing my desk job. You will not want to chug your water post-op. If you take too big of a swallow, it hurts like the dickens! It does take some doing to get all of your fluid in at first because you are still trying to figure out the whole "wait an hour after eating to drink". When you are eating every 2 - 4 hours it seems like you don't have enough time to get in your protein and your water separately. This is where protein shakes are helpful. You get some of your fluid along with your protein.  You still need to make sure you get in your plain water though. You'll get the hang of it, and it does get easier as you get further out.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 7/23/07 5:22 am - Mt Juliet, TN
Thanks Susan! I'm praying for your family and friends.  It does seem like things tend to happen all at one time. Will
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