Calcified Pancreas
Hi, I got the results back today from the Ct Scan that was done last week on my Pancreas. It's calcified and very painful. It doesn't matter what I eat, within an hour I am doubled over in agony. Nothing stays down, and I get too sick to even stand up. I called Dr. Colquitt's office as I forgot to ask my GI Dr. what i could eat that wouldn't cause it to flare up. Dr. Colquitt's partner Dr. Ray called me back. Here are my choices, one I can stay on a liquid diet for the rest of my life, and the hydromorphone pain pills, or be IV tube fed. Because it's not inflamed or diseased it can't be removed. But every time I have an attack I'm to go to the ER and have my blood work done and be monitored. This is from the new chemo pills I started taking last October. My liver isn't faring much better, and there are large cysts on the outside of the liver. I had some cereal earlier and was laying down when it hit me. I just curled up in a ball of agony. Even when I was in the hospital 6/29-7/1, I was on a liquid diet and still having attacks. What else am I going to have to deal with? I have leukemia, Meniers Ear Disease causing me to lose my earing in the right ear, I have no balance, and I have multi (10-20) dizzy spells a day and some falling or fainting. I wear a Health Watch on my arm that if I fall in my home the monitor is good up to 150' from the phone and Medic Alert will notify the proper authories. That's the only way I can live alone. That disease is non curable, so I have to stay on water pills, and Meclizine for the dizzy spells.
I don't drink and I have no gall bladder, so they couldn't figure out how I would get Pancreititis. They aren't sure if it's from the leukemia chemo pills or not.
Any suggestions would be helpful. Right now, my head is spinning from all this. Love kathy

Hi Leticia, no non is from the surgery, I have Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, it's a blood cancer that is very strong in the bone marrow. The blood goes thru every organ. Also I wasn't like this on a prior chemo pill, it all started last October when I had to go on the new pill.
Every time it flares up, I'm to go to the hospital and placed on monitors. They also have to check my sugar because the pancreas produce sugar in the body, I know dad had to have his pancreas removed and had to go on insulin shots. I don't have a gallbladder but the calcifications are under my skin on my arms, breasts, thighs, calves, pancreas, the aorta artery is riddled with them, and attacking the liver and kidneys.
I see my Oncologist next week and he can find out about these calcifications. Just think how much I would save grocery shopping if I have to go on a high protein IV tube feeding. LOL
Congradulations on getting your date. That's the day before our family reunion, well actually it starts the night of the 10th thru the 12th. My size 6 emerald green swimsuit is dying to get wet this summer, and the camp site has a very big pool.
Need to get some sleep, I'm still very druggy from all the Dilada that's in me. I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Take care, love

Hi, around 2am I had to have an ambulance come take me to the hospital, i had taken 2 Dilada's and a phenregan to calm my pouch. I couldn't drive as the pain was so intense and had I driven, I would be considered DUI. The parmetics checked my sugar it was low, But I was still in agony. Getting sleepy from the pain killers. They ordered blood immediately as my blood gets all screwy when the pancreas flares up. I was given some saline as I was mildly dehydrated. They also gave me more Dilada and phenergan. At 4am they tried calling a cab for me, I went outside to cool down as I felt like I was on fire inside. it was down right chilly last night for the month of july. I finally got home at 6:30 this mornng, By 8am I was in agony again and had to take more pain medicine. So far I have been able to eat without the pain. But I haven't been to bed yet and now I need to sleep. Have a great weekend.