on 7/19/07 12:15 am - Chattanooga, TN
Hey gang, Just a quick update. My surgeon's office called and asked me to go to the hospital for some lab work and a liver ultrasound to make sure everything was cool. That was done on 7-17-07. GET THIS......On my way home, I stopped to pick up some things from the store and come back out to find my car G.O.N.E.!!!! 8am and someone stole my car from the store parking lot!! Can you believe that?? LOL But you know what........ I STILL HAVE VICTORY!!!!! THE DEVIL IS TRYING HIS BEST TO DISCOURAGE ME....I REFUSE TO LET THIS HINDER ME. When you are without a car, what's the first thing that you worry about???? Getting to work, right. Well, I WORK FROM HOME!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! PRAISE GOD!! SO THE DEVIL CAN ENJOY THAT CAR ALL HE WANTS, HE'S GOTTA RETURN WHAT'S MINE 7 TIMES!!!!!! I WON'T BE SWAYED. I AM ANCHORED IN THE KNOWLEDGE THAT I BELONG TO GOD AND HE'S GOT MY BACK!!! DON'T BE DISCOURAGED......JOY COMES IN THE MORNING... IF WE CAN BEAT THE DEVIL WITH OUR MINDS, HE HAS NO GROUND TO FIGHT!!! WE WHO BELIEVE HAVE THE VICTORY!!! STAY ENCOURAGED!!!!
Misty A.
on 7/19/07 3:21 am - White House, TN

That is horrible. I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are able to get your car back or get another one soon.  You are taking the right approach about it. If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. I believe everything happens for a reason so stay strong and keep that great attitude and keep the faith.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 7/19/07 3:23 am - Milan, TN
T. Jones
on 7/19/07 7:47 am

Wow...Pick em up and put em down Step on the devils head he has no victory.  What is your surgery date?  Which procedure are you having?

on 7/20/07 12:00 am - Chattanooga, TN
No Surgery date yet. I go back for my visit with the dr 8-14-07. We will discuss one then. My birthday is 9-2!!This ill be the best birthday I have ever had! LOL!
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