I have a date.....

Rhonda B.
on 7/18/07 1:32 pm - Cookeville, TN
Had my appointment with Dr. Spaw today and all went well!  Mom went with me and I think she was impressed!  She is definitely more FOR surgery than she was a week ago.  They are great at that office!  My date is August 13th at 5:30 am--that means I'll have to leave home around 3:30-3:45...unless I decide to go the night before and get a hotel room.  Thanks to everyone for all of your help, guidance, and advice!  Keep praying for me to have an easy surgery and speedy recovery! Rhonda
Elizabeth O.
on 7/18/07 6:30 pm - nashville, TN
Good Morning Rhonda!    I am so happy for you!   You will be so happy and proud of yourself when you reach the losers bench.  You know we are here to support you through it all.   Good luck and God's Speed. Beth
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!  


Rhonda B.
on 7/18/07 10:20 pm - Cookeville, TN
Thank you, Beth!  You all are so wonderful!!  So glad I can say I have friends all over the state to support me!  See you at the next lunch bunch--I think it will be the weekend before I become a loser! Rhonda
on 7/18/07 10:23 pm - Springfield, TN
Go Rhonda!! That is great! Soon you will be a loser just like me : )

Rhonda B.
on 7/19/07 3:47 pm - Cookeville, TN
YEA!  I wanna be just like you!
on 7/18/07 10:34 pm
  Yippie!  I am so EXCITED!  I will be able to come see you in the hospital and help you walk down the hall!!!!  Yippie!!!   I'm so glad that your mom feels at ease now!  It really is so important that you have a great support base and I know that I really had trouble convincing my parents...but now that they are comfortable with my surgeon...it is SO much better! Bless your little heart!  I'm just so excited!    Happy Surgery! Freddie
Rhonda B.
on 7/19/07 3:49 pm - Cookeville, TN
Thank you, Freddie--you are such a wonderful support!!!  Come on over and drag me outta bed and up and down that hall!!!!! Mom is good to go!  Hubby is too--of course, he always was for it...I think he secretly wants to be having surgery too.  Maybe someday soon......
on 7/18/07 10:54 pm - Nashville, TN
Yeah Rhonda!  I believe it's time to start a "Happy Dance".  I might have to bring out the dancing guy for this one!  Congrats and I know you can't wait to be a LOSER! dancing guy
Rhonda B.
on 7/19/07 3:50 pm - Cookeville, TN
Thanks, Scott!!! Hmmmm..... your little dancing guy.....very interesting!!!  He is a REAL man--he's wearing pink....AND, it's a tutu!!!
Susan J.
on 7/18/07 11:01 pm - Madison, TN
I figured Mom would relax quite a bit once she met Dr. Spaw. You know we will all be praying for a quick and easy recovery. Will you be at the Baptist support group meeting on August 7? Since I have to miss the August Lunch Bunch, I won't get to see you before surgery otherwise. Congrats on your date!

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

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