go to www.beforeandafter.com and check out the recipes for soft food stage and then beyond! Good luck to you!
Think Protein Protein Protein and no bad carbs. Get rid of softdrinks or anything carbonated.
Congrats again!
Do you have a support team to help you when you get out of the hospital. You will need help for 3-4days and you will need a driver to your first Dr. appt.
Which procedure are you having?
I am having the RNY. Yes, I have a great support team. That's one of the reasons I knew this was a good time for me to do it. My fiance' is already planning to take time off once I get a date. I still have my kids, step kids and parents, too.
Are you having Lap or open? I had Lap. I stayed in the hospital for 5 days and was at home for three weeks before I went back to work.
I went in today for lab work and they gave me a B-12 shot to help boost my energy leve.