Post Op Menu Ideas
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
I am pre-op too and I have been wondering the same thing. "What am I gonna eat after surgery?!!" What has helped me the most is by going to the monthly luncheons and actually watching everyone eat. They probably get tired of me staring at them and what they are eating and how they are eating it but it has helped me some. Also, I don't know where you are having your surgery but at Centennial they give you a list of foods you can have at certain stages. I am going to rely heavily on that after surgery I'm sure. Maybe you can ask your surgeon's office or the dietician for a list of appropriate foods post-op. I think the main thing is to get in your protein and water and most people that I know have a protein supplement that they use daily. Many people have told me that my tastes will change after surgery and things that I like now will be horrible to me and vise verse. So I am only going to buy a few protein supplements to have on hand after surgery.
As far as changing the way you eat for can start eating 3 meals a day with no snacking, drinking 64 oz. water daily, don't drink 30 minutes before and after a meal, and don't drink through a straw. I am already trying to do these things. But I thinkg it is going to be like Misty said, it will just come natural to us after surgery. I sure hope so anyway.
From one pre-opper to another, I wish you great success.
Merry Christmas to all my OH friends!!
Eric I would like to suggest to you to start eliminating certain foods from your diet. For example steak, caffeine, eat more raw fruit and vegetables. They put you on a fast to shrink your liver prior to surgery. Look at my pics I have lost over 30lbs in 6 wks 2 wks was pre surgery ...I will weigh in tommorrow when I go for blood work.