Calling Dr. Charles E Mortons patients
Ok... 5 years of the emotional YOYO of trying to have the lapband. I am in the circus again.
I went through all the hoops and fire rings. I have everything in place as of the Friday before last. The Dr's office sent in my paperwork last Tues. I called BcBs of Ga again today. They say its not even in the system... What? Called the Baptist Obesity Clinic back and they assured me they have faxed it and that BCBS is probably in the reveiw process. Wouldnt it be in the system though???
I am getting frustrated in the him-ha I feel like I am getting AGAIN. In 2002 when I first tried with Dr. Morton then - I went to see him in Aug. My insurance changed in Jan which I had explained to his staff 101 times that it would. I got a denial letter from the insurance company in Feb. 2003 !!!!! Am I being parinod? Does anyone have a good experience with him and the staff?
I do like all his staff... maybe I am overreacting
Thanks guys for hearing me out. .....
Just nervous and confused. I just dont want this to happen to me again. All my faith in in Dr Morton- the guy sortta has a spot in my heart. I believe in him as a surgeon.

Ask the clinic to send the info again. I had called my insurance (BCBS of MN) a week after the paperwork was sent and they told me they didn't have it. I requested it be re-faxed on December 19th and was approved on January 3rd. I don't know if the approval was based on the first set of papers sent or the second, and I don't care. All that mattered to me was that I was approved.
I say, bombard the insurance company with paperwork and phone calls so they know that you are not going to go away quietly!
I saw Dr. Morton one day when I was sick and Dr. Spaw was on vacation. I really liked him, even if he did scare the bejeebers out of me by telling me he thought I might have a kinked or twisted bowel. It turned out to be a virus but he made sure before he let me go.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.