OT: Any Bluegrasser in the room??
Hi all:
Bill here from the Chattanooga area. I was just wondering if there were any more bluegrassers in the room? I actually am a doghouse bass man my self and wanted to know if I was alone.
The way it has been going for me, if I keep on the loser's bench at this rate, my bass will be bigger than me in no time. lol
Oh well, I was lurking about in the room tonite and thought I would just holler.
I am recovering nicely from my 07/03 hernia repair and my WLS keeps giving me a better life thru constant loss. I do love it.
Hope to see some posts.
Nite all!
Bill R
Hello Bill,
I am Janice from Dickson and I enjoy bluegrass. I used to play a little in a small group. I am hoping to start up again this fall.
Maybe you can give me the name of groups or music I can download and start listening to.
My surgery was April 23rd and I too am dropping weight and inches nicely. It will feel good to be able to hold a guitar in an actual lap......and I know you know what I am talking about.
Congrats to you Janice, you have done so well on such a short time. I have also had similar success and it sure feels great,huh?
I am happy to hear that another grasser is in the house. Only one reply, i guess there are not many of us.lol.
Oh well, thats ok too. A guitar and a bass go well together. Thanks for taking time to reply. I hope things will keep going well for you as I am sure they will.
Bill R