Thank You Shelia!!!
Thank you, Thank You, Thank You for all the wonderful clothes you gave me. I went home and had my own private fashion show! LOL, they all fit great and now have some work clothes that don't fall off me (yet) : ) I had a great time meeting everyone at the lunch. Rhonda, I never got a chance to say hello to you. You are one pretty lady!! It was nice meeting all the new faces and it was a really fun time and really HOT outside but it was worth it!! Connie, thank you for all the sweet things you said. It makes a girl feel good to hear such nice compliments!
You are all the greatest bunch of people and it is awesome to know that we are all so close and can rely on each other for support. Well I will stop rambling for now ( and you thought I was quiet!!) Hope you all have a great day!! Juanita