9 days......
The good news is that your insurance stuff is in. I just finished my six month physician supervised diet and submitted all my records and stuff to Centennial. They emailed me this week that the documentation that had been done by my local physician was not acceptable. I am getting so frustrated. Now my PCP is thinking that I'm losing well enough on my presurgery diet that I probably don't need the surgery. If he only understood. I am sending you best wishes that you will hear something positive soon. I've got a call in to my insurance carrier to see exactly what I need to have for them. I thought I had done all this earlier, but we know what happens when you assume that people know what they are doing. Good luck and hang in there.
Oh the waiting. I remember it well. My worst quality is being impatient - you should see me in traffic (not a pretty sight). Hopefully you will hear today. Are you calling to find out if they have made a desicion or are you just waiting to hear from them?/ I called Cigna every day to find out if they had made a decision because I didn't want to wait for it to be mailed or whatever. I wanted to know.
I hope you get approved quickly. One good thing is at least the waiting means it is not a NO - sorry, I always try to find the upside! :)
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)