Newbie here
Hello all,
I am new here, and looking for support and getting started. I attend my seminar at Vanderbilt July 20th. I am excited and nervous. I have enjoyed reading the success stories of all here, and this gives me much inspiration. However, I am so afraid of being told No that I cant have the surgery. I have fought obesity all my life, along with the prejudice that goes with it. I have RA, and it is getting to where, walking from one room to the next is extremely painful. I also have sleep apnea, and diverticulitis, does anyone know if diverticulitis will prevent me from having this surgery? Any and all support will be greatly appreciated, as I am looking to meet some friends here. God Bless All
Congratulations on making the decision to start this fantastic journey. This is a great board with wonderfully supportive people to help you along the way, no matter what stage you're at. Even if we can't answer your question, we will be supportive and wish you well.
I don't think diverticulitis would be an exclusionary co-morbidity, but that's something you can find out at the seminar. Any other questions, concerns, hopes, dreams, fears, etc them here and you'll get a response.
Good luck and God Bless. Keep us updated!

~~Elena WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140
***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in
Hi, welcome to the board! I think alot of us have or had that fear that we will be turned down. I was worried about the insurance, then I got approved and now I'm worried the surgeon will turn me down. I think I will always worry about something, so here is the advise a lot of people gave me. Just relax and breathe and take it one step at a time and you will do fine. All the best to you, KIm
Welcome to the TN boards! Here you'll find support and helpful advice all you have to do is ask questions and someone typically will be able to answer or they'll direct you in the right place to find the answers.
I am also going to the Vanderbilt July 20th meeting next Friday, I have to redo that seminar because the last time I went to one was over a year ago and with their new regulations I have to go again. Hopefully I'll see you there, and we'll be able to meet!
Welcome to the most supportive group I think you'll ever find online!