Whey Protein at Vitamin World
Ok let me just say I was lucky enough to find a boyfriend that drinks protein shakes 2x, sometimes 3x a day. Not for weight loss or body building. Just because. Anyway, match made in heaven? lol
But he drinks Whey Protein from Vitamin World. Every first Tuesday of the month, its on sale for 19.99, half price.... and I absolutely love the wild strawberry. It has 18 g protein for a scoop, and you only have to add 1/4 to 1/3 c milk. I however, add about 6-8 oz of fluid. At work, a few oz of strawberry mice milk, some water, a little bit of strawberry melon fuze sometimes... its not really sweet. Its perfect. I like it a lot.
I bought the chocolate but it did't have much sweet flavor.... so added half a pack of splenda. Perfect. So if anyone wants the non sweet flavored shakes, you might want to try it. Its not thick at all.
It would probably have been a great choice as a new post op had I known about it.
Hey Hey Hey!!!
It sounds like this could be a match in Protein Shake Heaven......, I just want to know is this the first one, second one, or are you on a third, fourth or fith man by now?????????? I am so glad that your dating life has become such an active lifestyle for you and you sound like you are really enjoying it!!!
Glad to see your beautiful face!!