Hello everyone!! Well my son is now back in Iraq. But let me tell everyone, it was so FANTASTIC seeing him!!!!!! I about hugged him to death at the airport!! LOL He has signed up for another tour over there, as he explained to me, that the next group of guys going over have not been to Iraq yet, and he doesn't want them to have to learn things the hard way he had to, so he wants to be there to help them acclimate to everything over there. Benjamin and Samantha(my older daughter) had breakfast before I had to take him back to the airport, to go back to Iraq. And I did well and didn't cry until after I had dropped him off and was driving away!! lol I had professional pictures made, of the 3 of them and will post one when I get them back. On another front, awhile ago I had told everyone I wrote to the office for Civil Rights regarding my employer making WLS surgery a non-covered item on the insurance. It has taken a bit, but they have wrote to me, and now also called me, and are checking into it. They have told me so far, that to not cover a medically needed problem that also falls under the American Disability Act, can not occur, and that also my employer can not in anyway try to fire me for filing the complain with their office. So in one way am trying not to get my hopes up, but then again, am to a certain extent. Please pray with me that they can help. Thanks and hugs everyone!! God Bless Alicem
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
on 6/25/07 8:57 pm - Greenfield, TN