Feeling Like A Failure

on 6/21/07 4:19 pm - Lebanon, TN
I'm 10 months out and have lost 80#'s and that was in the first 5 months so i've not lost any since,i just feel worthless,i've not even been on here in awhile until now and don't feel that i deserve to even post but maybe someone will have some words of wisdom for me,i'v not been getting my protein,fluid or exercise the way that i should i have been stayin in bed mostly but start an outpatient therapy program tomorrow and see a new psychiatrist,could u please help me get back on track with my eating,drinking and exercise.....i don't have any family down here so there's no one i really talk to accept my mom on the phone

thanks so much
on 6/21/07 5:21 pm - Cookeville, TN
Dearest Crystal, I know you are beating yourself up but now is the time to start a new day. You know that you have to do what you are supposed to to maximize your surgery's potential....so starting tomorrow just take the steps you missed today. It could be as much as getting as much of your fluid intake as you can or getting your protein.  Start off in the morning and just tell yourself that you are going to do it because this is the new you. It is so easy to be discouraged...believe me, I haven't had surgery yet and I suffer with depression every day, but you have to pick yourself up each day and say to yourself" I am going to do the best I can do today" and just go from there. I know how easily it is to fall back into old habits...but just think that is 80 pounds you cannot afford to put back on. So put one foot in front of the other, and smile and just think of the wonderful feelings you will have when you are able to look back and say....wow, I did it!!! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers... and Just keep your chin up honey!!!  We all have these days!!!! Love ya Tina
(deactivated member)
on 6/21/07 9:34 pm - Greenfield, TN

Hi Crystal,      I haven't had my surgery yet either but agree with Tina. You have made your first attempt by posting. By the way this is exactly where you need to be is on this site. They are so encouraging.  good luck, Ellen

on 6/21/07 9:37 pm - Humboldt, TN
 Oh Honey....I think you might have a touch of depression.....you posted you are going to the psyc doc...He/She will be able to help you..and you will start losing again....My friend that has had GBS in 2005...is taking Lexapro...  she has also added chewable calcium pills....and she eats those Skinny Cow, ice cream sandwiches  like they are going out of style....she eats Pure Protein Bars..from Walmart.....Now she drinks Diet Coke..NO she doesn't need them and No one is suppose to be drinking them after surgery...but everyone is different..and your body may be like hers.....you may need a little something extra.....You may not have any family here...but you got me...if you will have me???...................................................I am waiting on my date.......hopefully not much longer!!..... .Leticia

Work like you don't need the money......

on 6/21/07 10:34 pm - Springfield, TN

Crystal, You are on the right track by acknowledging you need to get back on track. Take it a step at a time make sure you get your fluids protein and start exercising. This will help you start losing again. You are not worthless!! You do deserve to be happy and hopefully the therapy sessions you have will help you as well. Just know we are here for you and keep in touch. We are here to help and support you!


(deactivated member)
on 6/21/07 11:03 pm
You are very courageous just admitting what you have.  I am a firm believer in counseling, so I feel that will help you alot.  Get with your nut and develop a plan.  Start back as a new post op.  Get carbs outta your diet and up the protein.  Journal everything.  YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! And we will be here to help.  My prayers are with you! Paula
Misty A.
on 6/21/07 11:15 pm - White House, TN
Hi Crystal. I am sorry you are dealing with some  depression issues and I am glad you have recognized it and are working on getting some help.  As far as your weight, from what I can tell, you weigh in the 170's. This is GREAT. You have lost 80 pounds. That is really really good. It is 80 pounds that you would probably would not have lost without this surgery. Be proud of that. It is a great accomplishment. Plus, once you get down that low and close to your ideal body's goal, the weight loss slows dremendously. It is not anything you are doing wrong. It is just a plateau that your body is happy and used to. I would say that in order to kick start  your weight loss, go back to the basics. The three main important things are protein, fluid intake, and vitmains. Make sure are taking all of your vitamins, getting in at LEAST 64 oz of water a day and go back to your meals as being 70-80% high protein. If you eat snacks between meals, make it high protein snacks - like a powercrunch bar or beef jerky or protein shake..etc. You can use fitday.com to track what you eat everyday to see how many calories and protein you are getting in. But, you should know that you have done a great job at losing weight so far! Congrats!

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

Darlene H.
on 6/21/07 11:30 pm - Pinson, TN
Crystal, I am just going to stress what everyone has.  This is a support site so you need to use it.  We have all been where you are, I got off track and gained 60 lbs, and thanks to support systems that I finally put to use, I am back on track.  You do need to eat the protein and get the fluids in because you have put your body in a "store everything" mode because it doesn't know if you are going to feed it or not.  Find something you enjoy as exercise, if you don't like it you won't do it.  Also, let me add to make sure you are taking your supplements, this can keep you from getting malnourished. I will keep you in my thoughts and  prayers that you will have the strength to do the right thing for yourself. Darlene
Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 6/22/07 12:58 am - Madison, TN

I didn't read the replies... but here is my advice in these situations: 1.  Take your picture asap.  Compare it to your before picture.  Does wonders. 2.  Retake your measurements. Scales may not move but the tape measure does.

3.  Realize that plateaus and stalls happen.  It took a long time to get the weight on, so be patient to get it off.  You're not the one person that the surgery didn't work on, that's always what people think... It is working, it will work... just be patient. 4.  Up your protein and liquid.  Have 80 g protein daily or more.  Also, I have heard that if you do some sort of protein (like a yogurt) an hour before bedtime, it helps your body. 5.  Get active to help with depression.  It will make you feel better. Hope this helps and you are doing great.  YOU ARE NOT a failure!  You are a SUCCESS! 


on 6/22/07 3:14 am - Clarksville, TN
I agree with melsreturn.  Relax and get back to the basics.  You are doing a great job!


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