Question Susan ??????

on 6/20/07 10:50 am - mt juliet, TN
 Susan , so glad your ok hope your feeling better I saw that you take Foltrin  where do you get this?   Do you also take a mulit. vitiam?    I see my Dr. tomorrow  about the pain in my right side. And check up!!!!!!                                                                                                                             Thanks Sue
on 6/20/07 6:03 pm - Springfield, TN
Uh oh....right side pain?? Sounds like gallbladder issues Sue. Do you still have yours?? I'll be at the Center Thursday morning as well...around 9:30ish.. maybe I'll see ya there?? I hope Dr. Houston figures out what is causing your pain.



on 6/21/07 10:59 am - mt juliet, TN
April,           Sorry I missed ya , Went to Dr.Frye meeting also my appointment was'nt till 2:00 .  Anyway he said it could be an nonfunctional gallbadder (what) lol yes I still have mine but it was checked in Oct. and no stones. He aiso said it could be kidney stone. I go Wed. for some test at the hospial. So we will go from there. lol.                                                          Thanks Sue
Susan J.
on 6/22/07 1:11 am - Madison, TN
Ooooh, I sure hope it's not a kidney stone!  When those decide to move the pain is beyond anything else I have ever experienced, and I've delivered 2 kids without medication. My kidney stone pain starts at waist level in my back and travels to the lower quadrant of whichever side the affected kidney is on. My gallstone pain began in my right shoulder blade area and spread to the right upper quadrant of my abdomen. Again, I only had pain when a stone was trying to move through the bile duct. Let us know what the tests show.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Misty A.
on 6/20/07 9:29 pm - White House, TN
Hi Sue. I take Foltrin too. It is a Dr prescribed "vitamin". Yes, you still take your multi vitamin. The foltrin is iron and b-12 and something else (maybe Susan will know) but basically it is just extra in addition to your multi vitamin. I noticed it helped me quite a bit but I always wondered if it had enough b-12 in it. My Dr prescribed it for me after my blood work came back showing some defiencies.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 6/21/07 11:02 am - mt juliet, TN

   Thanks Misty,

               Y'all   are very helpful.                                                         Sue

Susan J.
on 6/20/07 10:11 pm - Madison, TN
Foltrin is a prescription. I do also take a multi as well as calcium. The Foltrin is iron, b12 and intrinsic factor. The intrinsic factor enables the body to absorb the b12 in the digestive tract. I agree with April, pain in the right side sounds like gallbladder. Even if you no longer have a gallbladder, it is still possible to form stones. Hopefully Dr. Houston will have an answer for you.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 6/21/07 11:06 am - mt juliet, TN
  Thanks Susan,  Dr.Houston is going to do some test next week . Well let you know. Thanks for your respons.
Kathy Newton
on 6/21/07 4:20 pm - LaVergne, TN
Hi Sue, after having 12 kidney stones and one is in my left kidney at this very moment, you would know if you had one and you certainly wouldn't be having to wait a week for tests to be done.  On a scale  of 0 no pain to 10 worst pain, a kidney stone and a Bone Marrow biopsy are rated 10+ on the scale.  A kidney stone will literly knock you to the floor as if you were pushed from the chair. You can't sleep, lay, walk, or sit as there is no way to get comfortable.  A kidney stone puts you in the hospital.  It sounds like it's your gall bladder acting up which it can do after having the bypass.  Keep us informed when you find out.  God Bless you. love
 Kathy Newton

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