I think I might have broken my nose!

on 6/19/07 3:53 pm - Old Hickory, TN
I went to the first office visit with my new PCP Dr. Melissa Hixion yesterday, and she just wanted information so got that done, I have to come back to see her on July 05th.  Since I was already down town I had called ahead and asked the Centennial Obesity center if I could get a pamphlet that they give out during the seminars.  I explained that I'm legally blind in both eyes, and that I don't drive; so I rely on other people to take me places.  I told them that I had an office visit at Centennial that day and if it was possible to pick up the forms and the woman said it was okay to just come on in and pick them up at their front desk.  Well that front desk is located in the one-story white building on the cornor called the TACE building.  I walked up the wheelchair ramp and opened the front door, and you can go left or right there are two different hallway type area's.  If anyone has been in the TACE building then I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  Well now I was seeing pretty well that day OR SO I THOUGHT, I had my walking cain folded at my side and I went to the LEFT (the wrong way of course) and I literally walked right into the glass wall that is to the left I am really glad that glass was thick because I would have walked right threw it if it hadn't been.  I hit that wall so hard that it bounced me backwards, I hurt my nose and knee so badly that they both are blue/purple and my nose even has this blackash purple tent to it and it's swollen up so bad.  I would go to the hospital to check on it but I'm able to breath out of it just fine... that's the only reason I'm not sure it's broken is because the last time my Dad broke my nose I couldn't breath out of it.  I'm okay but it seriously hurts and also when I bounced back my neck went back like when you are in a car wreak and I think I gave myself a bruised brain.  That soulds crazy but the back of my head (not my neck) but the back of my head hurts if it gets worse I am certainly going to the ER because I'm just worried that I either have wipelash or I did hurt myself more than just what I think I have. Thank GOD no one was around when I did it.  I think there were people on the other side of the glass but I'm not sure I didn't wait around long enough to find out.  The nurses at the front desk (to the right) there though thought I was on something... it took me several minutes to ask them for the pamphlets.  I just said I had walked into the glass wall that was why I was so weird.  As I left the office I was crying so badly and my nose started to bleed but only a few drops then it stopped.   However, on a good note I got the paperwork for centennial.  I also got my new pcp to refer me to Dr. Dyer (crap I think i've been spelling that wrong!) and also got my medical records started on their way to her. Well that's how my day yesterday went.  I came home and stayed up as long as I could just to make sure I hadn't given myself brain damage then I slept for like 10 hours.  Roger was really worried about me so he woke me up at around 5a.m. to find out if I was actually okay. Hoping everyone else has a better week! Angie
(deactivated member)
on 6/19/07 11:30 pm
Gosh hon, I hope today goes better for you.  Take some little stickers and put them on that glass wall when you go back!  wishing you the best!
Kathy Newton
on 6/19/07 11:42 pm - LaVergne, TN
HI Angie, gosh girl you really had a rotten day.  I have broken my nose once curtsy of my ex husband and a bad dream. He hit my nose in his sleep.  When I woke up both eyes were black and blue from the bleeding under the skin.  His ex wife and I were friends and she knew just what had happened, she had it happen to her several times.  It was a broken nose.  All they can do is put taping on it to keep it straight so it won't be crooked.   I sincerely pray you get to feeling better.  Use the cane from now on.  Always Kathy
 Kathy Newton

on 6/20/07 8:24 am - Springfield, TN
Whoa Angie...sounds like a rough day!  I know they keep that class spottless so it is really hard to tell ...especially if you're legally blind in both eyes! The staff there is really great! They'll  be glad to help you with whatever you need as much as possible. Just be sure to take time to go to the Centennial Seminar even though you already have the packet. You'll get so much information! At any rate, I hope you have (had) a better day today! April



on 6/20/07 9:36 am - Nashville, TN
Angie,          I can completly relate, considering the fact that I am on crutches  Crutches after falling down Banana Peel  the stairs.  I hope that you keep a close watch  eye on yourself and take care.  On the light side Roll , I bet you will always remember which way to turn when you enter from now on, I know that is what I would do after I do something like that.  I can only say it this way, because I am the biggest cluts  Oops around and that is one thing that the surgery did not correct!!  Bummer!!!   If you need anything let us know, I work downtown and I would be glad to help out if you need me to. Sheia
on 6/20/07 10:52 am - Old Hickory, TN
Yep attending the seminar this Saturday 10a.m. with Dr. Dyer he's the one that is having it.  Just trying to do the steps to get this done!  Thanks for all the support I really need it! Hugs to you ALL! Angie
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