What to expect in Psychiatric Evaluation?
I have my psyche eval this friday and am wondering what to expect? I'm not nervous but I am curious when I have read of one person saying she was denied because she didn't know why she was overweight and another person said she was denied because they didn't think she understood what was going to happen in the surgery. I feel there has to be more to the story than that but I don't want to answer good enough or something. I haven't been depressed or on any meds or anything. Pretty much just come from an entire overweight family and only knowing bad eating habits. Are they going to fish for a reason you think your overweight?
Hi Lisa...
Relax....I had my psyc eval..and it was a breeze...she asked some questions...and most of my visit was small talk.... She explained that there would be some changes...not just physical but mental......and asked about family and friends support.... I have had depression...and take Wellbutrin XL....everyday...........I can proudly say I HAVE DEPRESSION....DEPRESSION DOESN'T HAVE ME!!!........................ I have been married and divorced 4 times....I have been in an abusive relationship......I have has POST TRAMATIC STRESS........... I have a learning disabled, deaf 19 year old daughter in college...MY hands are FULL..... I have been through alot...and am double the size I started out being........... I am on disability........... I have came a long long way.....
I was approved............and if you haven't had half of what I have been through.....you will be fine.
I know I ate my way to where I am...sure some medication has contributed.......but I am responsible for me...my life and my choices........ It is way past time for me to start taking care of ME!!........ Sorry to pour it all out....but that is just how it is.................................Leticia

Work like you don't need the money......
My psych evaluation was easy since I go to a therapist once a week (that’s where crazy get’s you). I was required to take 2 tests that the insurance required, but real easy too. Being bi-polar is hard work. You’ve got all that pill taking and emotion checking to keep you on your toes. That portion of the pre-op was a breeze now if just everything else goes as well. Good luck on yours. Keith
Mine was basically a lot of questions about how you felt about yourself, etc. The same questions were asked in several different ways. The best thing to do is to answer all of the questions honestly and you will do fine. The main purpose for the eval. us to let them know if you can handle the stress of the life changing surgery you are about to have.
Good luck, you will do fine.
Hi. Mine was really easy. I just had "small-talk" with her. It was just a bunch of questions to ask if you knew exactly what the surgery intalled and are you ready for the changes ahead and if you can handle it. They normally will ask you about your family and make sure you have some sort of support system for after surgery. Nothing major. But I think it depends on who you go to. I have heard that a lot of people have to take this long written - fill in the bubble- test. Which is more time consuming than anything else. I did not have to do that part. But like everyone else said, as long as you are honest and tell them you know what you are in for and you are ready for the changes and you do have a support system, everything should go good. Just make sure you are going to the psych who your surgeon recommends. Some people chose someone else to go to and do not do as good because you have to make sure you are going to someone who sees people wanting WLS all the time and knows how to handle it. I am sure you will be just fine!
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