New Friends
(deactivated member)
on 6/19/07 12:29 am - Greenfield, TN
on 6/19/07 12:29 am - Greenfield, TN
Thanks to my 7 new added friends yesterday. A girl can never have to many. I just pray someday I will join you all on the losers bench & be able to get in on your conversations. lol
Susan hope you & Shelia feel better soon.
(deactivated member)
on 6/19/07 2:43 am - Greenfield, TN
on 6/19/07 2:43 am - Greenfield, TN
Hi Juanita,
I mailed all requested info 4 weeks ago. BCBS is taking there sweet time reviewing my case. (2nd time) My case-worker at my surgeons office is no help. She would mail in half of things & everytime I would need more info it would take months to get reviewd again. I am going to complain as soon as I get approved/not approved. I feel I am to close to request a new caseworker now. I really did my homework on Dr. Madan in Memphis & want to stay with him.
Hey............ I loved Dr was his staff that was lacking customer service skills.............I FINALLY I AM APPROVED!!......
.....I see Dr Weaver JULY 18th!!...they are going to set my date that day!!
I am not the only patient that has had to switch doctors.................. Good Luck to you!!!!
Leticia.............just down the road in Humboldt
Work like you don't need the money......
Hi Ellen. I want to be your friend too! I just sent you a request. And you can join our conversations anytime. By the way, have you tried calling your insurance to check the status of your submission and to verify they received everything? I know I was calling my insurance everyday to check the status. I hope you hear positive news soon!
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
(deactivated member)
on 6/19/07 3:45 am - Greenfield, TN
on 6/19/07 3:45 am - Greenfield, TN
Thanks Misty & Annrenee,
I gladly added you two. I just don't know any of you. I welcome any new friends. This is the personal reply I just sent Juanita.
You are sweet to ask. I really feel so alone in all this. My kids & hubby are as fed up as me. This is what has gone on to this point. Paperwork was sent in Nov. After 3 months I got a letter saying it was not medically necessay. My insurance states if you are 100 lbs. over (me 150 over) or bmi over 40 (mine 46) you do not have to have any codemobilities. (can't spell) I call my caseworker & she calls my insurance. They say I did not send in my psy. evaluation is why. We re-send it. 3 weeks later they say my psy. did not contain the IQ or MMPI test. My caseworker sets me up with a 2nd psy. that comes to their office for WL patients. It takes 3 weeks. I go for the appointment 2 hrs. away. The psy. says oh, I am not qualified to do those test. I am nicely boiling. She sets me up with her partner that can give the tests. Another appointment 2 hrs. away. Takes 3 weeks to get in. Takes 3 more weeks for him to send to my caseworker. She finally got it & sent to insurance 4 weeks ago. When I call the insurance it doesn't show anything as it didn't before. It was sent directly to a review person so, the girls can't check anything for me. I called my caseworker & must have got her on a bad day. She rudely told me we just wait on the insurance decision. 2 weeks before she said we are going to call & see what is going on. So, I get no help from In. or surgeons office.
Any suggestions? How do the surgeons office help you in Nashville. Do they work with the In. for you?
Thanks Ellen