Well, when it rains it pours!!!

on 6/16/07 6:59 am - Nashville, TN
I was having a half-way decient day in the pool  In The Pool with my son Water Polo , and had actually drank an AO   Caffeine and kept it down, this is a first since last Sunday.  I thought I would get a cushion out of the garage and lay on the deck for a while,  Therefore, I went to the garage and down the steps, I mean DOWN the steps  Banana Peel I  went, I twisted my right leg  completly underneath me.  I went and saw the doctor Doctor  where they took  Xray x-rays and concluded that I only tore up my knee, Knee and sprang my foot Foot , at least it is not broken, Break A Leg   but hurts like as if it was!!!!  I am in a boot, on crutches Crutches , and on liquid Loratab for the pain  Pill Bottle, however they did give me a pain shot  Nurse so it would last a little longer than the Rx pain meds.  Like I said, when it rains it pours Rainy , I know we have been in a drought, but I have had heavy storms  Rain Cloud following me around lately, anyone have a HUGE UMBRELLA   Raining Hearts ?? All and all, I know it could be worse, I guess at this point, all I can do is laugh  ROTFL or I will go cry Cry Baby and go crazy Crazy !!! Shelia
on 6/16/07 9:14 am - Nashville, TN
Good Lord Girl!  You said when it rain, it pours...This sounds like a typhoon!  Raining HeartsI really am sorry you are going through all this.  They say every cloud has a silver lining...sometimes we just have to look a little harder to find it! You have been and will continue to be in our prayers!  If you need anything, all you have to do is ask, and we will be there! Scott
on 6/16/07 11:20 am - Nashville, TN
Thanks for all the prayers Prayer , I do believe stongly that is what is getting me through all of this!!!  I do know one thing, they said that if I had not lost the weight  Weighing that I had, I would have probably broken it and possibly my leg Hospital Bed .  Thanks for WLS and another great benefit Whistle !!! Shelia Have a good Father's Day!! Father's Day Hammock 
(deactivated member)
on 6/16/07 12:20 pm
Gosh hon,  I am wearing out the carpet for you.  God has something really good for you in store if you are going thru all this.  Just know that things will be much brighter soon.  Hold on to Him and his promises!  God also makes us slow down to take care of ourselves when we may not be doing so.  In this time when you are sitting with your foot up (which you had better be doing!) why dont you try journaling some of your feelings.  This will help when you go to your counselor too.  I am glad you are going to see Dr. Obrien.  In a few weeks you will be amazed at the difference you will feel when he can help you with coping skills.  I know getting counseling was the best thing I could have done!  I noticed you called, read my post and you will see why I didnt answer.  Hugz precious!
Darlene H.
on 6/16/07 1:39 pm - Pinson, TN

Shelia, I know exactly how you feel.  I finally got out of the brace on my wrist this week from my two previous falls and the doctor Doctor  decided no surgery was required, which is great.  Well I had a wedding  Bride & Groom to go to today so I am getting ready and wouldnt you know bam I fell Banana Peel  in the shower Shower  , reinjured my arm so back on with the brace, did the splits (and let me tell you this body still aint made for that).  I am bruised up again, but at least no concussion this time, I think I unknowingly held my head up so it wouldn't get banged again.  I am ready for a break, (oops better not say that Sling ) I just need a few days of luck  Rabbit Foot to come along. I am sending hugs and prayers to you, I hope you get to feeling better.  I will lift you  up and put you on my prayerlist . Darlene

Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 6/16/07 2:39 pm - Nashville, TN
Well, well, this almost makes me smile, because I now know that I am not the only cluts around this board!!!   I am beginning to have a lot of pain and the meds are not helping much, becasue they are going away too quick.  I know I had relief from the shot, but the other just helps for a little bit.  I am discovering a lot more soreness as time passes, I believe when I get up in the morning, I will really be sore.  My wrist is also really sore and tring to work with the crutches and a sore wrist does not work well together!! Thanks again for all the prayers, I will keep you in my prayers also, get better soon!! Shelia
on 6/16/07 3:41 pm - Springfield, TN
Wow Shelia! What a bummer!  At least you'll get some toning in your arms from using the crutches. I was on crutches for an entire summer once. I really toned those babies up.... it was the only thing semi-toned back then! Keep persevering!



on 6/17/07 12:00 pm - Hermitage, TN
Bless your heart, Sheila!   Big Hug Hugs to you and get well soon! -Alyssa   P.S. Here's your umbrella...a pretty pink one, but let's hope you don't have to use it.  Umbrella 2 
on 6/17/07 12:07 pm - Nashville, TN
Thanks a lot for the umbrella, I am hoping to see a rainbow  Rainbow soon!!!! Shelia
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