Finding support for this surgery from family?

Angie, It has long been considered in my family that I'm looking for an easy fix or that I am a cheater. Most of these assumptions have been made without little or no knowledge of what a RnY is. I just stopped sharing with them all. I gave them no infomation about my goals, wants, or concerns because, at this time I need positive affirmation. I have a few friends, one family member, and a great amount of support from the support group and people associated with my Dr. office. You also need to tell yourself everyday how much you love yourself and how much you are worthy of this. Hopefully that will ease your stress so you are able to find comfort inside yourself. Peace Keith

Angie, People, families react differently, to the idea of weight loss surgery. Some are just negative for the sake of negativity but in many cases they are simply afraid something bad could happen and that' a fear for them. My entire family has a weight problem and initially not one was particularly positive to the idea of surgery -- mainly because of the things they had "heard". I had my surgery just under a month ago and I am very pleased so far. And my family is coming around...with a little input with a possibility of them following in my footsteps. People seemed to think you should do it the "way" they think is best. Well, from my experience I've had a weight issue since being a child and now 30+ years later I've altered my diet to be healthier and I've stayed active trying to loss weight without success. Now my body hitting it's early 40's is just catching up with me. I've tried to do it the right way and whether it's mentally or physically --I just couldn't make it happen. The sugery seems to be working. I've got a long way to go and as nice as it will be to be thinner for "vainity" ---mostly I want to stay healthy and active. I'm sure you are a bright lady (we know that weight doesn't affect our I.Q). Check all the facts, attend a couple of seminars ---do your research to find out if the changes are something you can live with -- it is a true lifestyle change, find a highly qualified surgeon with a low complication rate if you do choose WLS, pray for a wise decision and then once you make your mind up -- stick to the decision you've made on the facts. Just let you family you need there support of you...they don't have to agree with the decision. Unless it's truly a dysfunctional situation -- I believe they will support you through your decision.