Beginning to break out with hives

on 6/15/07 12:33 pm - Nashville, TN

As you all have seen, I am having a lot of problems with stress, eating, and depression.  Well, I have noticed today that I have been itchy  Scratching and not feeling well.  I believe that I have now broken out with hives, my husband agrees.  Does anyone know if this could be stress  Nervous  Nervous related, because I have not been into anything that I am allergic to. I hope you guys are not tired of me complaining Quit Your Complaining , I just needed to ask, I do not recall ever having hives before, except from a reaction to Tide Laundry . Shelia

on 6/15/07 1:09 pm - Madison, TN
Shelia I dont know what it is but I sure hope you get better soon.  Im worried about you.  And love you lots.  Call the doc.


on 6/15/07 1:09 pm - Smyrna, TN
I broke out with hives in March/April.  They couldn't find the problem and I had to go to a dermotologist and get steriod shots.  Turned out, it was actually an infected tooth.  Yeah, I know, weird.  If the hives get worse, see your regular medical doctor.  You could just be having an allergic reaction to something.
on 6/15/07 1:36 pm - Springfield, TN
Yeah... could very well be related. I break out in hives everytime I get nervous or mad. They're typically red blotches that pop up around my neck, chest, and jaw line



Elena Dench
on 6/15/07 2:42 pm - La Vergne, TN
Hey Sweetie, Yes, hives can occur with stress, depression, or actually any strong emotion. I'm so sorry things have been crappy.  I meant to call you yesterday on your birthday, but I had a tooth filled and by the evening I was in bad pain.  I took a left over pain pill from surgery and it knocked me out.  When you are feeling better, I want to do something with you for your birthday.  Let me know.   I'm at work right now, otherwise I'd call.  I'll call you later.  Love ya  ~~Smooches 

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

on 6/16/07 2:01 am

Bless your sweet little heart!  Stress and depression can affect us in so many ways.  I hope that you are able to work through this really soon.  If I only knew the magic words to make you see what a lovely person you are...I would say/type them in a flash. 

I have a little experience with the Mental Health insurance provided by the state.  Not only do we have sessions provided for by EAP but in addition we also have mental health care coverage through Magellan.  Look on the back of your insurance card.'s on the right at the bottom...look for MH/SA:  There is a 1-800 number.   You can call the number listed and they can pre-certify you for as many visits as you need.  It is very easy and the folks at Magellan are wonderful to work with.  They also have a 24-hour crisis line for times when you just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.  If you need help, call me! Big smile and hugs! Freddie

Kym B.
on 6/18/07 1:04 am - Lawrenceburg, TN
Sheila, if you find out, let me know.  In March, on the way home from MO, I broke out in a rash on my forearms.  It was worse on my right arm.  We thought it was strawberries.  Then it cleared up but jumped over to the left arm.  Then I went to the doc again, he gave me a steroid cream and it cleared up...then it jumped on my other arm again!!!!!!  So, he prescribed another cream and a pill, and my left arm broke out again so badly that I have been embarrassed to be in public.  It looks like a third degree burn.  It alternates between hives and small blisters to a rash that looks like a burn.  It has finally started clearing up again this week but I am not holding my breath.  I am actually getting used to living with it by this point.  My doc says its plain old eczema and that I may have it the rest of my life but he is referring me to a dermatologist to be on the safe side.  We know this is not staph or strep like before, it is entirely surface and some sort of contact dermatitis...or at least  that is what I am being told.

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


Melissa C.
on 6/18/07 9:39 am - Goodspring, TN
On my best friend's wedding day she started breaking in hives. It got worse everytime we mentioned what time it was or if anything was not quite perfect with her plans. Even when we were little she would always break out in hives if she got stressed out enough. Have you ever done this before from stress? If not, could you maybe take benadryl for a day or two to see if it helps in case it is an allergic reaction? It comes in liquid. ~~ Hope it gets better! Melissa

                      Merry Christmas to all my OH friends!!

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