Knoxville Bunch
I'm still turning over in my mind the idea of us getting together. I'm not the hostess/organizational type so this is new ground. In light of that...Towanda!
I don't work and sleeping late on the weekends has is no longer a luxury. i think we need to work around your schedules instead of mine.
Let me toss out a few ideas and please do the same.
One thought was going walking together. Most of us seem to live in NW K'ville and there is a dandy walking trail at a catholic church on Cedar Bluff that I've been eyeing. Walk early when it's cool and have breakfast at the Cracker Barrel. You can be any age there to get the children's portions.
Meeting at a local restaurant for lunch.
Someone suggested a support group that meets near us. I still wonder if it's a generic support group (i.e. not tied to a particular doctor).
What are your thoughts?
hey all,
I will be glad to help and do what I can when I get home from MI. I am wanting this so bad us knoxville people need it so bad. So I will get involved in a week or too. family is getting better just some things to help with mom is home from the hospital today but still very sick.
get with you all soon.