HEY ALL THANKYOU FOR THE PRAYERS KEEP THEM UP!! My mother is a COPD pt she has less then 36% lung usage and she now has pnemonia and MRSA in her lungs and not sure where else waiting on test she can NOT breath! now they are testing she is needing a blood transfusion. my step dad is home but not doing well we are trying to get the doctor to give persmission for medicare for stuff for dad he is a long story but he died a couple of years ago 2 and ever since then his brain is not the same. I am on my daughters PC I wont have access for a whileagian to check but if any one wants to call my cell phone is 865-804-6870. Well the trip has been rough went to my sisters the other side of nashville and then we came here monday I am not getting in enough protien but I am trying. I will keep trying the fatigue is bad and I finally slept good last night. SO keep praying all not sure when i will be back when I do will let you all know. Love you all and thanks so much