How do you get your pic set like that?
Angie, this is super easy...I'll walk you through it. Go to your profile and under your name, on the left, click on "Customize Profile" On the top set of choices, click on "Change Avatar"...that is what the little pic is called.
When it brings up this choice, you will see a box that is empty and a tab next to it that says "Browse" this and pick the pic off your computer that you want to use. Make sure it is sized right by editing it on your computer to be no bigger than 100 pixels by 100. (Most of us have the ability to do this by right clicking on the pic and clicking edit). If you want to use the one on your profile just right click on it and choose save, save it and then resize it. Once you chose the pic and size it right, click open and it will upload to your avatar. If you don't see it immediately, close it out and reopen the site or refreshing it may work. If you have any trouble, feel free to ask for my help...I do this all the time for people so I don't mind. If you need my help, you need to pm me with your password and I can get your pic on for you but I think you'll be able to just fine.