Suffering from Depression

Darlene H.
on 6/12/07 3:22 pm - Pinson, TN
I am so sorry that you have to experience this.  I am sending up prayers for you, and I feel like you probably need to talk to a professional or at least get some meds from your PCP.  If you are already taking something, it is not working so talk to your doc and get it changed.  It is really hard to admit our meds aren't working. Love you honey and wishing you well.  Big Hug  Darlene
Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 6/12/07 3:40 pm - White Pine, TN

Shelia, Words can hurt, but we must always remember they are only words and we never know the intent that they were spoken. When words that hurt come from ones parents the hurt seems much worse. What I'm about to say may sound preachy but that in not my intent. When dealing with our parents we must always remember that they hold a place of honor that no matter what they do or say never change the fact that they are our parents and due respect and honour. I had a very stern father who was a disciplinarian and received many ""unjust beatings"" I thought I never deserved. As the years rolled on I became a Christian and God helped me understand this man who was my father. He grew up in poverty his father my grand dad whom I never knew was a mean man who died a year after dad’s mother’s death when he was only twelve. He lived alone from twelve and became a very hard, cold, and private individual. Dad fought in world war two where things happened that he would never share except when sick with high fever where he would relive those days. In 2000 he was very sick and dying he finally after all those years opened up to me and we were very close before his death in 2001, I loved dad dearly. There is a verse in the Bible that helped me more than anything, it goes.

Exo 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Mat 19:19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Nowhere does the Lord tell us to honor our parents if they are good to us, our love is to be unconditional and honor is to be the same. This helped me I honored and loved Dad, because he was just that my dad. My dad I know loved me but he just didn't know how to express that love. Shelia please don't let words from your mother bother you, love her and respect her no matter what and God will help you. Dr. Bob Jones Sr. would always say in chapel "The acid test of our love for God is obedience to His Word". Just love mom and let God work it out.

Kym B.
on 6/12/07 5:37 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN
Sheila, I agree with all that everyone has posted, especially Dew...I too do not want to put salt on an open wound but I have been in a very similar situation.  Not with a parent, thank GOD, but with another person who was almost as important.   I have learned one thing for certain...there is an old saying about harboring anger...holding unforgiveness and bitterness in your heart for someone, no matter what they may do, only hurts you!  It is like drinking poison every day but waiting for them to kill yourself and they are fine.  So, I propose that you sit down and write out all the hurts you have that you can think of...all of it.  When you are done, make a conscious decision to forgive your mother for all her wrongs.  Now...forgiving someone does not mean you leave yourself open or that you even have to see them...but you move on and make the decision that they are not going to keep this hold over your life.  That's what this is is making your life bow to their petty're not eating, your sick...see, it's all  hurting you.  Accept that she may never change and let it go...move on...revel in the knowledge that you are a mature, loving person who is capable of refusing to be drug into a silly game that children usually play.  You are above this and you know you have lots of people in your life that you love. That said, keep in mind that only we know what we feel...honestly, who knows what your mom may have going on inside of her.  This, I have experienced with my own mom...our relationship was practically non-existent at one point due to her behavior and some abuse I won't go into.  I am happy to say that today we are best friends.  She had to work through her stuff and I had to let the past just is hard, I'm not about to pretend it isn't.  And sometimes I will remeber something that makes me want to cry but I just have to tell myself, that was then, I am my own person now and I will not let this old pain run my life. I will keep you in my prayers, sweet girl, and I hope I haven't offended you in any way.  Huggs always!

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


Elena Dench
on 6/12/07 6:13 pm - La Vergne, TN
Sheila, sweetie, I wished you had called me.  I can be there in five minutes. If you need anything, please call me and let me know. We can go freeze our tails off in the pool again!!   And please call your doctor.  You need to see the surgeon and get a therapist.  I'm sure your insurance will cover it.  Again, let me know if there's anything I can do!  ~~Smooches to you.

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

Misty A.
on 6/12/07 10:41 pm - White House, TN
Hi Sheila. I am sorry you are dealing with depression now. I am glad you have caught it early and realized what is going on so now maybe you can work on getting it better. I also have some issues with my mother too. I know you may not like to hear it, but a counselor really does help. I go to one and it is covered by my insurance and all I pay is a cop-pay so you should find out if you have behavorial health written into your health insurance and see if you can find a thearpist to speak to on a regular basis. Depression is a very serious problem and you do not want to let it linger and continue because it can start effecting your health. Even if you begin to feel better, you should still get treatment for it. Just know we are all here for you and that This to shall Pass. Don't let anyone steal your joy. You are a great person and you have accomplished so much and there is no one that can take that away from you. I hope you find what you need to get through this. Hugs!

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 6/12/07 11:00 pm - Springfield, TN
Shelia,  Sweetie I am so sorry you are going through this. I just needed to tell you are a beautiful person not only on the outside but inside as well. It would be easy for me to say just ignore these comments and don't let it get to you but when it's your mother that would be very hard to do. Wanted to let you know you have people here who care for you and appreciate you for who you are. If you ever need to talk just message me. Take care {{ Hugs}}\ Juanita

Robin K.
on 6/12/07 11:16 pm - Summertown, TN
Sheila, Sorry to hear what you are going through.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.  Please see a doctor soon.  I don't want you to end up in the hospital.  Take care of YOU!!!  I'm not good with words, but just know that my heart and prayers go out to you.
5'3" = Surgery/Current/Goal  =  243/146/125  --  3/28/2008
Pam E.
on 6/13/07 3:58 am - Hermitage, TN
Shelia, I echo the comments of everyone on here.  I truly hate you are depressed right now but maybe taking away the food will allow you to really get to the root of the issues.  Your Mom is your Mom whether she is nice to you or not.  Just don't accept her comments as truth when they are not.  You can't control her behavior but you can control yours.  You've got to focus on your health both mentally and physically and do the things that don't always come easy.  Get someone you can talk these things through and let them go.  Another thing is prayer.  Talk to God when someone hurts you.   Love your Mom, Honor your Mom,  ANYWAY.   You can be the bigger person --skinner but bigger! (trust me, It'll drive her crazy )   hugs, pam
on 6/13/07 5:18 am - Burns, TN

Shelia, I am so sorry about this. I know I just met you, but what I saw in you was someone that beams like a ray of sunshine. You can and will overcome this.....and believe will be stronger and better because of it. Look within yourself for the strength to rise above any adversity. Believe in you......those of us that know you do.....You can call me anytime....and I mean anytime at all. I messaged you my phone number. There isn't much I haven't had to deal with and I know all to well about that demon, depression. Talk it out to anyone and everyone that cares about you and will listen......and pray does work sweetie.

I hope you will call.....and mostly, I hope the pain stops. Susan is have to address the eating thing.....take care of you.... and remember.....we are all here.....ok? love, Janice

Jancy In Waiting

on 6/14/07 12:14 am - Burns, TN

Good Morning Shelia, I am just checking in.....Are you hanging in there? I know you are fighting this....You are strong....keep fighting. It will pass.... Call me if I can help.....please stay strong.....look how far you have come already.........


Jancy In Waiting

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