Nashville is great.
All I can say is...Y'all are both in for a whoopin' when we do find out!!
I've got my ideas but I'm gonna pm the person I think it is. If I'm right, she better fess up too!!

Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Ladies, I believe I know who she is, but I have promised Scott I would would not divulge her name. She is a frequesnt poster and even posted about a recent outing with a member of the opposite sex! Although I have not met her, I here she is a super nice person. Love her posts! Have a good day all. (A little investigative work is all you need do)
Well you've gone and done it now Daniel! My wife has her detective kit and and she is just like a dog on a bone, she won't stop till there's nothing left! She better than the Canadian Mounties...she always gets her man...or woman!
By saying this I am probably upsetting all my female Friends on the TN board, but...
Y'all have a great day, and I'll keep checking in on this Tennessee Mystery from work today!
My lips are sealed, unless someone wants to offer me an AO!

Hey Daniel, when you leaving Nashville? I think you need to meet more than just this mystery woman. You know you have other FRIENDS here too!!!! And maybe I can weasel that name out of you in person! LOL!
OH, and when ya moving here? I know some guys on the Hendersonville police force. I also know a guy at the TBI.
Let me do the rundown.
SHELIA, married
Susan, married
Juanita, single & looking
Paula, married
Tina Cannon, single, I think its tina
Me, single & looking but its nt me
Kym, married
Kathy - single & looking, could be
Tony - single, not sure if looking, might be
OK I have had gastric bypass people. My memory is affected. I cant remember anyone else right now.