Peanut Butter and Day camp lunch suggestions

on 6/10/07 1:03 pm - Nashville, TN
 Hey guys,         I am asking about peanut butter, I have been working on my son's weight and he has lost 25 pounds since January....I know that this is a high protein food, but it does have a lot of calories and fat.  My question is..... What brand of peanut butter is the best for us and something I can give him once in a while for his lunch at day camp?   He is outside all day and I am trying to pack his lunch with nutritional things that will not go bad in the heat.  I use ice packs and we have been using Starkist Light Tuna Lunch Kits with 7 grams of Fat, 210 calories, 17 carbs, 20 grams of protein and other choices that are healthier, but it is hard to pack a lunch like this.  We have been using sugar free pudding cups, low fat chips (baked), applesauce cups and etc. Any other suggestions would be helpful!!!  I am so proud of my son, he is 11 and 5 foot 4 inches and did weigh 196 now he is 171. Dale is large framed so he will never be a small child and kids are cruel to him about his weight already, he will be in middle school this fall and I am afraid that it will get worse.  It is so hard to get the point over to him about his weight and how important it is for him to understand that he needs to lose the weight now.   He he hides food and sneaks around, I hate that he is doing this, I have talked to him about this and that I do not want him to think that he can have surgery like I did.  I have explained why I had surgery and that my parents did not teach me the importance of being healthy and watching my food intake.  Please help!! Shelia
on 6/10/07 1:34 pm - Burns, TN
Hi Shelia, First of all....I had a delicious chocolate shake tonight....I had no trouble getting it down and I am so excited about it....I can't wait to get the cookies and cream now. Isn't it amazing how we hurt for our children and don't want them to suffer like we have. South Beach actually has lunchables now. I had those during pre-surgery and they are very good. There are several to choice may have to pack it in one of those lunch bags that has a freezer bag, but they are good....that might be a suggestion.....and of course....he can have could put in snacks like pepperoni slices and cheese.... I hope this helps a little..... ~J

Jancy In Waiting

Kathy Newton
on 6/10/07 1:51 pm - LaVergne, TN
Hi Sheila, carrott and celery sticks. Crackers and cheese,  any fruit like grapes ( green seedless) the red ones have a tougher skin that doesn't digest as easily as the green ones do.  Gaterade, water, sf kool-aid.  When it comes to peanut butter, if you switch to low fat, the sodium is far higher vs the regular peanut butter.  Watch his carb intake, so limit his bread and crackers to maybe 2 times a week.  Cottage cheese with cut up strawberries, yogurt. I hope some of this helps you. Love Kathy
 Kathy Newton

on 6/11/07 11:29 am - Springfield, TN
What about those 100 calorie snack packs?? Also maybe low fat granola bars. What about 2% cheese and crackers (reduced fat wheat thins or reduced fat ritz crackers), or peanut butter and crackers. Yogurt is a good choice too. I pack these things for my husband's lunches with a cold pack. Most the time, he doesn't eat what I pack because it is too healthy...that is very frustrating. Oh, and I've seen a recipe for peanut butter protein balls floating around OH. I think you may be able to find it by doing a search on OH. I don't think there is a "healthy" choice in peanut butter. I like the reduced fat version of peanut butter. I think you should encourage him to have snacks...but healthy ones. He is only 11 and still has growing and maturing to do even though he is big for his age. Maybe he just needs to be more active. Does he like sports or anything? What about riding a bike or skates? You all have a pool... encourage him to swim laps around the pool. Just an idea :-D



on 6/11/07 5:54 pm - Jasper, TN
Hey,  I go to The Fresh Mkt. and make my own. They have a make your own section in the bulk nuts. I usually mix peanuts, almounds, and flax seeds. Once I get home I thin it out in the blender with water. I also add some salt and some splenda. The salt (just a little) enhances the sweetness and makes it taste richer.  Oh, I forgot this is about peanut butter.  What about adding an energy bar to the lunch if your worried about protien. Remeber he is a growing boy and I'm assuming at camp he is being rather active so he will need energy in the form of calories as well as protien.  Peace keith
on 6/12/07 2:31 am - Memphis, TN
My daughter loves peanut butter but isn't allowed to bring it to school or day camp. I just wanted to mention it because so many kids have allergies now it has been totally outlawed at many schools/day camps. I to use the tuna kits and the South Beach kits. I put the south beach in a bag out of the packaging so that it doesn't say diet on it for her. I would just pack him a healthy lunch and make a healthy dinner and not talk to him to much about his weight, he will lose when he is ready and if it is you pushing it and not him he will probably fail and yoyo. He needs to know you think he is great no matter what weight he is at and you are there to help him anyway you can.
on 6/12/07 2:45 am - Burns, TN
Hi Shelia.... I am just checking in with you. Are you better? I hope so.... one more quick thing....I am getting in all my protein now with my new purchases from Connie's.....thank you so much.... talk to you soon and let me know you are ok....please

Jancy In Waiting

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