Things are better
Goon morning everyone. Life feels a little better for me. I went and got a shot of cortizone in my hand, it had been 6 months and I need my steroids every so often or I really don't feel like doing anything. I'm a junky, I was hooked on diet pills back when they were speed and ever since I need something to jazz me up and let me tell you there is no stopping me when I'm jazzed up. I try not to over do it but I know I needed it for my hand my ring finger on my right hand keeps freezing up on me and it is very painful to pull it straight. The shot also helps my feet and I need that with all this walking every day. My doc said to add some more calories to my diet and cut the walks back to 2 miles a day I looked at her and said are you nuts? I would have jumpped for joy a couple months ago to get that kind of news, she also wanted me to take a few days off to rest my feet, no way in h--- am I going to do that. Am I hooked? Every body have a good Sunday and take care. LOL HUGS &
to every one. Lee Lee I'm about ready to change my name again to Lee Pee Pee Lee so you know what I do a lot of.

I certainy hope you get to feeling much much better!!!
Nothing hurts worse than your feet and legs when you really need to they??
Cortizone is a great thing.... you don't sound like a junkie!!! You just need some help. I have had to have those shots before. I had one in the bottom of my foot...OUCH!!!
Not ever again I said...LOL
Take care and feel better soon!!!

I've had those shots in my feet many times and when you hurt as bad as I did you don't mind the shot plus my foot doctor at the time was very good at it he would numb it up good first. I hope to feel better after surgery but at my age it takes a lot get up and get going and keep going I just seem to give out in the middle of the afternoon. Gotta go it is time for cut throat Uno and coffee with the old man. Keep the Faith girl. Lee Lee
On June 10, 2007 at 2:09 PM Pacific Time, birdy wrote:
I've had those shots in my feet many times and when you hurt as bad as I did you don't mind the shot plus my foot doctor at the time was very good at it he would numb it up good first. I hope to feel better after surgery but at my age it takes a lot get up and get going and keep going I just seem to give out in the middle of the afternoon. Gotta go it is time for cut throat Uno and coffee with the old man. Keep the Faith girl. Lee Lee