Howdy friends
Long time no see!
I don't know how many of you know that I fell last month, but I did a number on my lower left hip and have not been able to manage the pain very well. Our wonderful staff at the local hospital ended up making the problems worse when they forced me to lay on my back at the hospital after several attempts to tell them that I couldn't lay that way on a hard table... needless to say I have been crippled for over a month now with nothing to ease the pain but screaming and tylenol (pm).
I have cried and prayed and prayed and cried but it looks like I am on the mend. I am looking forward to moving on towards my goal of getting my surgery. It won't happen this year, but I will get a great start on it anyway.
I just wanted to let you all know that you are all in my thoughts daily as I have been unable to visit like I really have wanted to. So many of you have offered your shoulder and your ears and you will never know what that means to someone who has been through so much over the last year. I can honestly say that I have never been more at home in one place on the net and I look forward to coming here to see all the great things that are happening in each and every one of your lives.
Just remember that little slips here and there are going to happen, just with you, I have slipped that last little bit ( I have currently lost 10-15 pounds since I have been sick) and I have had good days and bad, but the great thing to remember is that each day is a new start.
You can wipe the slate clean and start over the next day.
Sending you all lots of hugs and kisses and may you all be greatly blessed by our Father today!!!!
love you all

Kym and Scott,
Thank you so much! I could use all the prayers I could get. God really has opened my eyes up to a lot since I got hurt....It really has made me realize how important getting up and getting around means....I mean before I fell I said that I couldn't walk around much because I hurt so bad... well NOTHING compares to this kind of hurt...I have promised myself that when the pain subsides I will not let ANYTHING stop me from getting around more. I truly understand I wasn't trying hard enough before... But I have learned my lesson I just hope that with God's help I will maximize my potential and really work as hard as my body will allow me to so that I will get back to where I can function on my own without a wheelchair or a walker...
I know you all will be here with encouragment and love so I will do my upmost to stay positive and keep my mind open at all times....
I truly want to get better now... before I just didn't care much..I said I wanted it....but I don't think I really wanted it bad I want it bad!!!!
God bless you all!!!