My tests results and Lunch Saturday - Susan?

Misty A.
on 6/6/07 12:48 am - White House, TN

Susan, If you read this, can you confirm that the Luncheon is still on for this Saturday. And is it at Outback in Cool Springs and what time is it agian?  I just went through a series of tests (most recently an EGD and Colonscopy) on Monday. That was one of the worst experiences EVER!!! The only good thing is that I lost weight after doing the fasting and clean out process. I must have been full of crap. . My tests did come back all good so I am really, really happy with that. They are supposed to call me with the biopsy results if there was anything bad that came back from those but they seemed to think everything was good and they did not see anything bad at all. Now I feel like I went through all of that for nothing. But I am glad they ruled out everything. It is also a little disappointing to know they didn't find anything to count for why I have been dealing with some of my digestive issues recently.  I have been having problems with my blood results showing a drastic rise in my bilirubin count - which may be the reason I have been having nausea at times and stomach and intestine cramps?. They have done several tests (including a CT scan last week) and can not determine the cause. So, I believe they are going to just going to leave it alone for now unless something else changes (like I become Jaundice). I go back in two weeks for my one year surgiversary visit and they will retest it then. With all that aside, the test results came back good and I am really happy!

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 6/6/07 1:00 am - Knoxville, TN
Misty, I understand what you are saying... You have these symptoms and the test show nothing so why do you have the symptoms?  Who knows For years my liver enzyams have been high I have been through all kinds of test nothing wrong,  I have IBS and other problems I have been through the same test and nothing wrong.  I hope things go better for you.  take care


Susan J.
on 6/6/07 1:27 am - Madison, TN
Yes, we are on for the Outback at Cool Springs at 1pm. Do they not have any idea what is causing the rise in bilirubin? I think I would have to demand an answer to this question before I would be comfortable with a "wait for something else to come up" attitude. Could it be caused by a medication? I guess the good thing about having these tests done is now you can whistle when you poot! I'm glad the tests are over for you.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 6/6/07 12:00 pm - Hermitage, TN
Lunch this Saturday??? Is that right?
Elena Dench
on 6/6/07 4:34 pm - La Vergne, TN
Yes, Saturday @ 1:00pm

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

Kathy Newton
on 6/6/07 11:25 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Misty, I had to have a colonoscopy this morning. Still groggy.  You would think that with all the stuff I had to drink and pills to swallow or chew, and all the liquids I would get cleaned out. Didn't happen.  He removed a polp non cancerous, but nothing was explained by I can't seem to have normal bowel movements and can only go about every 2-3 weeks.  Now I have to find Bran tablets where I take 4 3x a day, and some other  pill to take 3x a day.  Those are a laxitive that I have to take on a daily basis.  There's 300 in the bottle.  But finding Soy Bran Tablets is hard to do.  Plus I was informed when I got home, that my appointment with my PCP has been canceled for tomorrow, when I called to reschedule I was informed that a letter was sent out.  Sounds like he doesn't want to be my PCP anymore.  I am sorry  you had to go thru all this and still not find out what is causing the problem.  At least the tests show no cancer.  I will keep you in my prayers.  I haven't gotten on the scales to see if I lost anymore.  I'm still the same as I was last week, 125.  I didn't even lose any from the tummy tuck.   Hopefully the Dr.'s will find out what is causing your problem and that it won't be serious.  Love Kathy
on 6/6/07 9:55 pm - Springfield, TN
Misty,  I am gald your results were normal. I am gonna really try to make it to the lunch Saturday. I saw April at the Y yesterday and hopefully she may go as well. We should all meet somewhere and share a ride? Take care!! Juanita

Kym B.
on 6/7/07 10:01 am - Lawrenceburg, TN
So, how many "we always knew you were full of..." jokes have you had to endure?   Seriously though, have you tried vitamin D or sun exposure for the excess bilirubin or have you been advised against that?  Glad to know that you are happy and we'll see you Saturday!

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


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