Two Funny Stories to Share

on 5/31/07 10:52 am - Nashville, TN
I just had to share these two really wierd, but funny stories, however if you know me, you know that my sense of humor is just a little off  Weird and completly understand.  However, let me warn you, THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU TOO!!! Dance  Story # 1

I was in Kmart the other day  Shopping 2 and saw a really cute purple sleeveless sweater that I knew would go with a skirt and some purple shoes that I have.  I immediately tried on the "XL" and it was just too big!!   Dressing Room I left and decided not to get it, but it really bothered me, because I really wanted it, so the next day I went back.  I then took and tried on the "Large" right there over what I had on, believe it or not, but it fit, so I got it. Yes 



Well that is not the story, here goes......  I decided to walk over to the shoe dept, after I got the sweater, to see if they had some shoes for my son and his trip to D.C. Capitol Hill , at my Kmart, you can walk through this cut out in the middle of the departments, without going out to the outer walkways to get from one department to another.  Therefore, I walked through the "Regular" women's department into the “Lingerie” department, across an aisle into the "Plus Size" women’s department.  I was in the middle of the department and stopped dead in my tracks Zany , it hit me that I can not wear all these clothes, emotions passed through my body, but I did not cry it was almost like a comedy/horror movie Action .  I began to imagine, now I warn you I am not crazy, that the clothes were making me feel guilty like I had betrayed  Prisoner them for just walking through their department without stopping and looking, not eve at the clearance racks Sales Rack .  I know you will all understand when I explain that I have never been able to shop  Shopping 3 anywhere except in the “Plus Size” clothes all my life and it was not until I went from 296 to 242 on my own before surgery, I could not even shop at Kmart, even at 242, I was limited on the clothes that I could purchase, unless it was a big 3X  Off The Rack .  I know this sounds weird, but if you think about it, this was actually a very wonderful and very funny thing that happened, due to the fact that I felt guilty  Handcuffed like I had betrayed the "Plus Sizes" somehow because I had lost weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well that is story #1, if you don't think I am crazy  Crazy yet, this one will probably get you!!!  Story # 2  

The other night, I could not sleep  Counting Sheep for some reason, maybe thinking of all the things I had to do for my son's birthday party Birthday Song  tomorrow night!!!  It was going on or   Alarm Clock in the morning and I turned the TV  TV on to watch and see if this would help me relax  Recliner and fall asleep Dreaming .  I was almost asleep when I heard this commercial.... ( Wait , I have been lucky and have not really craved  Munchy anything since my surgery, commercials on TV have not bothered me and have not experienced "head hunger" Hungry , I have been blessed by this and pray  Prayer it continues.) Well here goes..... As I said before, I was almost asleep when I heard this commercial which went into great detail..."Wild caught Alaskan Salmon  Fish And Chips grilled and seasoned to perfection with a tender vegetable melody Broccoli  Carrots ."  Well, this woke   Wake Up me up from the almost sleep state that I was in and most desperately needed.  I sat upGirl In Bed  focused on the TV  TV 3 to see what restaurant  Italian Restaurant was serving this, because I thought WOW  Shocked that sounds really good and I would really enjoy that,  maybe we could go there for my son's birthday  Birthday and I would order that, so as I paid closer attention to the TV to see who was serving this, my vision cleared  Disappointed 2 and was a “Fancy Feast” cat food commercial!!!!  Cat Vs Mouse  Really busted my bubble Bubblegum , I know our tastes change, but I am sure that they don’t change that much!!!!     Embarrassed  Well, I hope that I have now entertained  Mardi Gras 2 you with my funny stories, if you have experience any, please feel free to share Sharing Popcorn  them.... I believe we would all love to hear the humor side of WLS  Weighing as well!!! Shelia

Melissa C.
on 5/31/07 11:55 am - Goodspring, TN
Girl you are so crazy! You sure gave me a good laugh. Who knows, the cat food may be delissshhhh. Let us know if you decide to try it...j/k Melissa

                      Merry Christmas to all my OH friends!!

Kym B.
on 5/31/07 12:52 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN

The other night I was watching tv and the commercial comes on with the chef making the seafood dish and then he presents it to the cat on the fancy platter...I actually caught myself wonderfing how many protein grams would be in a can of that cat food...

So I don't think you are crazy....I KNOW I AM!!!!!




Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


Misty A.
on 6/1/07 12:27 am - White House, TN
 Kym,  you are just too much!!  Have a good weekend!

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

Tonya C.
on 6/1/07 11:15 am - Nashville, TN
Shiela and Kim, I think you both have lost it...Those were the funniest stories Shiela! I can't wait to abandon the plus size dept. LOL...   I just hope I don't start craving cat food . Hope to see you at the support meeting Tuesday.
Elena Dench
on 6/1/07 7:34 pm - La Vergne, TN
Well you'd certainly save money if you ate cat food!!!!    I've seen that commercial and it is tempting at the beginning!  I also can't wait to get out of plus size clothes.  Even the smallest size (14) would be fantastic!!  Chat with ya soon.   Oh, and I don't think you're crazy.  I KNOW you're crazy.   

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

Kathy Newton
on 6/2/07 10:49 am - LaVergne, TN
Sheila, I too don't thnk you are crazy, certifiable is more like it, but then aren't we all in one shape or form.  I still catch myself looking at the plus sizes and then realize how silly I was and am.  When I can only wear size 6-8's or small in tops and shorts. I look at those clothes and wonder where were they when we were that plus size.   Enjoyed your funny stories, gave me a moment of shear bliss to know I'm not the only one that's certifiable.   The cool Kat is out of here.
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