
on 5/31/07 10:01 pm - Lexington, TN
Good morning everyone. I'm sitting here sipping my coffee and soaking my left foot. A couple weeks ago my sock bunched up under the ball of my foot and I didn't take the time to fix it before we left for our walk and it got really sore by the time we got back. The next day it felt like it was brusied and it still hurts a lot. Yesterday after my shower as I was drying that foot I noticed it was swollen and this morning it is worse. I put my support socks on last night hoping to push all tha****er out but it didn't help so I'm soaking it. I see my ppo Thursday and I'm hoping it won't get worse. I had to loosen my shoe strings on that shoe to get it on yesterday. Does any one have trouble with thier feet? Over the years I've had several surgerys on my feet. My feet bothered me when I was thin and the weight hasn't helped. Wednesday while we were out walking I found 2 $1.00 bills I know that isn't much these days but I put it in my big pig I had made years ago. I don't spend any of my coins I get and about once a year he is full and I have to cash him in.  I've lost the 2 pounds I had gained so I'm back on track. I feel so much better when I'm not cheating and if not losing at least not gaining. I guess I've taken up enough of you all's time so have a good day and save me a place on the looser bench I will be there some day. Hugs & to you all. Lee Lee
on 5/31/07 10:09 pm - Knoxville, TN
Lee lee, My feet really started hurting 2 summers ago and last summer i was Dxed with Diabetes I have some neuropithy but I have fibromyalgia that has set in my feet hopefully by losing the weight my feet will feel better they hurt when I walk and when i stand a long time.  I hope your foot feels better soon and congrates on losing the 2 lbs you had gained... Take care and hugs saving you a seat next to me. Annrenee RNY April 24th 07
on 5/31/07 10:40 pm - Lexington, TN
Thanks Annrenee. I am so strange my feet don't hurt when I am standing or walking they only hurt when I sit or lay down it used to drive me nuts until I started wearing support socks. I used to lay awake because my feet would throub. I take Nurontin for them 3200 mg almost to the max dose. My right little toe has given me so much trouble I've had surgery on it 4 times and nothing has helped. With having Diabetes I worry about my feet not healing. I haven't been able to take care of my feet because I can't reach them. I have had all 4 bunions removed. Way back in my late 20's I suffered with ingrown toenails and when I had those fixed they found bone spurs on all 4 sides. That was my first foot surgery. At that time I had a Jersey milk cow that I milked by hand and I was so afraid Matilda would step on my feet but she didn't. Then many years later I had to have all the toenails removed because they were so thick and always had fungas under them. My finger nails are very thick also I can't use clippers on my thumb nails I guess I could call myself lucky because they don't break easy. Like you I hope they will feel better with weight lose the 30 pounds that I have lost so far hasn't helped. Talk some more later.  HUGS & BIG  Lee Lee
Misty A.
on 6/1/07 12:12 am - White House, TN

Hi Lee Lee! I am happy to hear baout your weight loss. You are so dedicated that I knew it would not take you long to lose those couple of pounds. See, all that worrying over nothing. I am sorry to hear about foot. It sounds like you really bruised a muscle. Keep it elevated and get some rest off of your feet. I hope it gets better for you. Your feet hurt when they are at rest? Do you take a fluid pill every day? Are you on insilin for your diabetes or do you take metformin or actos pills. I know when I was taking the pills for diabetes, my legs and feet swelled and I had to be put on fluid pills. After one month of taking those fluid pills, I lost 15 pounds. Its ashame when you have to take a pill to stop the side effects of another pill! Is that not CRAZY!!  Luckily afer my WLS, I have not had to take anything for diabetes. Talk to you soon.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 6/1/07 1:23 pm - Humboldt, TN
 Hey Lee Lee,...........I got some news for you!!!........I sent my paperwork to Dr Weaver........they called me today to tell me they recieved it.........and then they faxed me a paper to sign to get Dr Madan"s records of my psyc eval and my nut eval..........they were soooooo nice!!...Thanks for telling me about them. AND......they do take Medicare and TennCare Medicaid!!! .........So tell me how long it took you from start to finish.......and tell me about how things went.........I am excited.......... I hope you get to feeling better..........Can you take a water pill....for the swelling?...........Talk to you soon........Leticia

Work like you don't need the money......

on 6/1/07 8:30 pm - Lexington, TN

Leticia I haven't had my surgery yet I'm still doing my 6 month diet. My surgery won't be until Sept or Oct. I will be through with the diet Sept 8. Then I have to send all the paper work to Dr Weaver and they will send it to Medicare I have Federal BCBS as secondary. I still have to see the heart and upper GI Doctors. I'm doing that in July.  Are very far from Lexington? I'm starting a new support group in July. I took the Group Leader training from OH because at the time there wasn't anything closer than Memphis and I didn't want to drive that far for meetings. I already take a water pill. The swelling was down some ywsterday after my walk and soaking it twice but I mowed and pushing the pedal in and out it was worse than before.I havent taken my support socks yet to look at it but it is throbbing to let me know it is there.

Well the hubby just got up so I can start moving around and get my day started. The damm dogs next dog woke him up. There are 2 hunting hounds penned up and all they do is bark day and night. Talk to you later. My e-mail is Birdy8001@wmconnect. com if you want to e-mail Lee Lee

on 6/1/07 11:30 pm - Humboldt, TN
 Good Morning!!....I believe there is a  OH support group in Jackson. I live in Humboldt. I  go to Jackson all the time. I didn't know you had started a Lexington branch.Good for you!!!..........I haven't been to the Jackson meeting....but I saw it on the Tennessee board.  I thought you had already had your surgery. WOW..maybe me will have our surgery at the same time.!!!.......I am excited. I am not sure when I can  meet Dr Weaver, but Leslie and Jeanette have both talked to me on the phone and emailed me yesterday. They just recieved my packet.......I am impressed already.       Dr Madan still said he isn't movong forward with any Medicare surgeries for now....That is ok....I have to do what I have to do.................I want to have my surgery in May...didn't since I have had all the tests and have all my clearance letters..they agreed to accept them that helps..I do have to go through their NUT class......I have had one at Dr.Madan's.with Whitney Orth..they will accept that and so far things are looking better. Are you having your tests done in Jackson?...I had my Upper GI done at the Imaging Center in Jackson, Dr Bob Souder did my scope of my stomach,Sleep Diagnostics did my sleep study, Med North did my Stress Test, EKG,EEG and labs, Dr Carruth did the Chest Xray and breathing test.......... The hospital did my ABG...........The only issue I had out of all those tests was at the Sleep Study......they gave me  Lunesta at 1 am and sent me home at 5am....I was sent home sedated.........I am VERY lucky I didn't get a DUI.....I didn't realize I was sedated until I got up  to go get my daughter......MY CAR WAS SIDEWAYS in my driveway!!!!!!!............I was MAD!!! I was SCARED!!! but I WAS THANKFUL I didn't get a DUI.......the THP would have arrested me........I have never even had anything but minor speeding tickets..........I called my doctor and complained......and called that sleep lab and give them the WHAT FOR........On top of all that.the sleep tech that gave me the Lunesta told me it was a 1mg....but it was a 3mg!!......It is documented in my chart!!.........Of course whenI first went in she(THE SLEEP TECH) said to me  I am not a nurse ...I am not a doctor......I am just a Sleep Tech......If you have a medical problem while you are here...I will call an ambulance!!!....WHY WAS SHE ALLOWED TO DISPENSE SLEEP MEDICATION?????................ The Lunesta commerical says: YOU MUST BE ABLE TO  GIVE A FULL 8 HOURS TO SLEEP???........Ok I am over it.................I will NEVER EVER EVER go back to that place!!................If anyone has a sleep study.......bring a driver!!!....................Leticia

Work like you don't need the money......

on 6/2/07 4:32 am - Lexington, TN

Leticia I had my breathing done at the jackson clinic with Dr Jason Williams and really liked him. When I went to him a year ago to get his consent for surgery he wouldn't approve me unless I lost some weight well I didn't lose so no surgery and the shoulder still hurts but when I went in may I passed with flying colors, I had begun to walk already so my breathing was doing great. I had my phy test at Jackson also but everything else is being done in Parsons where my doctor is. My hubby thinks it is to close to the WLS to be having other surgerys my right hand needs work also.

I don't think I told you that there are 45 people ahead of me. Dr Weaver took time off to have a baby and she won't be bac****il some time this month. Good luck on your journey I also hope we will be close togeather. Can I put you as one of my friends and you can put me on yours.

The next meeting in Jackson will be Thursday June 22nd at 7PM in the Pythian Building. Go on Higthland to downtown and turn on East Main Street between the court house and city hall. Go to the stop light, go through it and the Pythian Bulding is on the right on the corner. Hope to see you there.Lee Lee

on 6/2/07 10:44 am - Humboldt, TN
 When I talked to Jeannette and Leslie Friday........ they said Dr Weaver would be back in the office on Monday. That is good news........They didn't tell me there were 45 people in front of you!!.......If she is doing 5 a week..........sounds like ............MMMMMMM...........August??...........I figured that.....I have to drive my daughter to Jackson State Community College.....Monday thru Friday........for her classes.............but if things go good.........My Mother and daddy can drive her for a couple of weeks.....if I need them to......How long does Dr Weaver request no driving after surgery? What is wrong with your hands? Do you have Carpal Tunnel?......I do.I have had surgery on my left hand and need it on my right..............Dr Cobb.... at the West Tennessee Bone and Joint did the surgery. We went to the Mall and to Khols  in Jackson today and it fell a flood.....I might as well just move to Jackson I go almost everyday..............Did you have alot of rain in Lexington??.......... I will try to make that meeting.......remind me....... I am terrible at remembering  stuff.......... I gotta run.....I share the computer with me to you later......Leticia

Work like you don't need the money......

on 6/2/07 5:16 pm - Lexington, TN
Leticia we didn't get a drop of rain and it is so dry here. I heard thunder at 2 PM when I wanted to go out and do some yard work so I stayed in and nothing happened.  I have carpel in my left wrist not much pain there just numbness. It is my right hand that needs work. My ring finger freezes up and I have to pry it up with my left hand and it hurts like the  when I have to do that. Leslie told me that Dr Weaver only does 3 surgerys a week, remember she just had a baby. Have you done your 6 month diet that medicare requires? Dr. Weaver says no driving for six weeks with RNY. Is that what you are having? My memery is bad too I like to say I forget what I am going to the bathroom for I share my computer with my hubby but about all he does any more is play games and  when they won't let him win. I guess I better go back toand try to get a few more hours of sleep I haven't been sleeping very good lately. Hugs &   Lee Lee
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