I did it! got my blood drwan

on 5/31/07 10:53 pm - Knoxville, TN
Darlene, Yes I am trying very hard,  I am gonna order those I dont like strong mint and i cant do chalky stuff. So I hope this will work.  what about your MULTI Vit. and B12 what did you find works best for you. Annrenee I see the doc on monday but I am gonna get this stuff today hopefully. Annrenee
Kathy Newton
on 6/2/07 11:11 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Annrenee, I take a pre-natal vitamin with iron and a B-12 shot.  I was having to take the B-12 shot twice a week, then once a week, now I am at twice a month.  Most can get by with once a month.  But because of my leukemia, I had to have it more often in the beginning.  As for milk, I find I drink it more now then before.  If I take any medications it has to be taken with milk instead of water or they aren't staying down.  As for taking the B-12, the shot gets into your system and stays longer then the vitamins that you would have to take everyday.  There's the kind you stick under your tongue and that gets right into the blood, I had no choice but to take the shots.  I have to stick it into the muscle in my thigh.  No biggy since I have to do two allergy injections into my stomach every week.  Tell the Dr. high for me, love Kathy
on 6/2/07 10:44 pm - Knoxville, TN
Kathy, Because I have CFS and Fibro I did B12 shots everyday to my self but no evail it really didnt work.  Then we changed insurance companies and they dont cover the b12 shots so I had stoped alltogether.  I did buy b12 at gnc that is spose to be better then the nature bounty The vit well I am trying to find one I can take or chew. do you chew or swallow vit sounds like you swallow when can I sart to swallow ones? but they wont stay in the pouch to long so do you get the benifit from the swallowable ones?  I have dealt with Cfs and fibr for many years now and I have just haveing a heack of a time recoving from the surgery.I will Know monday if I am low in something, or if its justthe cfs.  Thanks girl for your input. god bless Annrenee    I will be seeing susan but I will tell them you said hi
Kathy Newton
on 6/3/07 1:31 pm - LaVergne, TN
Hi, for the first 3 months I had to chew them flintstone ones, awful tasting and so are the jetsons, but thats what I was told to get. Easier on the healing pouch. At 3 months Dr. Colquitt told my PCP that I could now go on Pre-Natal with Iron for the rest of my life.  Worning, don't take calcium supplement later when taking iron at the same time.  They counter act each other, needs to be 2 hours between the two.  I can't take calcium supplements because I make calcium kidney stones. So I have to chew tums w/calcium twice a day. That's only about 800 mg. But I drink a lot of milk to settle my stomach, and can only take my medications with milk or throw them back up.. I have to do a bowel prep of clear liquids starting tomorrow for a colonoscopy on Wednesday at 3:30pm. Two of the medications that my Dr. has ordered for me to take to help clean me out, one is 2 bottles 1.5oz that Fleet Phop. soda starting at 2pm tomorrow, I'll be at the eye Dr.'s at 1:30, then I'm supposed to do another one on Tuesday at 6pm.  It causes my potassium and electrolites to drop real low.  The other are two chewable pills, but major warning on the label that it puts a lot of calcium in the blood and if you have or had calcium kidney stones you can't take it. I've had 12 calcium stones, (not calcified like the knots on my skin from the chemo but pure calcium stones), I have one sitting in my left kidney now for 4 years and is in an area where it can't be blasted, it's already 3mm, but where it's at, it will either have to be 6mm for them to surgically remove it, or blast it if it tries to pass.  I told the Dr. when I was leaving to bring a vacuum with him.  Plus if I do have a bowel movement before Wednesday, I am to put it in a speciman cup and freeze it. My Daughter-n-love will have a cow if she finds out what it is.  I will put it in a small plastic grocery bag, seal it and put my name on it, but if she finds out that was or is in the freezer, all hell will break loose.  I can only have clear broth, water, milk just for my pills, nothing sugar free, as he doesn't want my sugar to drop. In jello and popsickles nothing that is red, orange, or purple. That leaves yellow or green nether of which I can stand. I'm to drink 12 bottles of water, a gallon of gatorade, a large bottle of apple juice, and three white grape juices in order to mix the fleet in,  and a gallon of lemonade along with clear chicken broth 3 times a day.  Nothing after 7am on Wednesday until after the procedure and that starts at 4:30pm, I just have to be there at 3:30.  There's no way I would be able to go that long without something.  That's a sure fire way to make my sugar drop.  Need to go,  I'll let you know how it all goes. I see the orthopedic Dr. in the morning regarding my knee surgery.   You take care, and thanks for letting me unload.  I feel like I am about to have a breakdown, I am so tired on living with my son's mother-n-law and brother-n-law.  Silvia's family can do no wrong, but I am jumped by Silvia.  Like today I was an hour away having lunch with my other son, had a real bad dizzy spell and had to sit back  down, when it went away, I got up and shut the van door.  Locking my keys in the van.  I had to call my son who had worked 13 hours and had just gotten home to drive an hour away to bring my spare key.  He's usually off Sunday evenings but he has to work tonight.  Silvia jumped all over me in front of her mom and brother, that I need to be more considerate.  It wasn't like I had planned to lock my keys in the car.  She doesn't say something to me when we are alone, just when her family is with her.   I sleep on the couch, my clothes are in the ho****er heater closet.  If the tv is on, I can't be on the computer.  My things have to either stay in my van, or in the ho****er closet.  I wish they would hurry up regarding my apartment.  The stress level isn't helping my bowel problems either.  Nor is it helping with the dizzy spells.  Thanks again for listening.  I'm proud of you for really trying to lose the weight, just don't worry so much about what vitamins, or other things.  Dr. Colquitt will for sure tell you when it's time.  The other problem I have is I have never been able to get my protein in or all my water.  Most of the time I was too busy throwing up from the chemo pills and low potassium levels.  Even now I have a hard time getting all my water in and protein.  I dehydrate real easily because I get sick to my stomach too much.  Need to make my bed up on the couch.  Love ya, Kathy
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