I did it! got my blood drwan
Hey all,
I did it got up this morning feeling lousy but went and got my blood taken to see my nutrional levels I see the dr on monday and will get my results. I hope everything is ok as I have been so exhugsted. I woke up with a headache and the body aches from the fibro and osteo, I wanted to get my meds in me but couldnt had to wait till after they took my blood. Just as soon as I was done I was digging for my meds and a smoothie to sip on to hold me over till I got home to eat. Well praise the lord I made it.. I am so exhugsted that I didnt think I would make it....
Good for you Annrenee. Part of taking care of yourself is getting all of your post-op tests done on time.
Now, have a nice nap!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Hello Ann,
Hate to hear of your lack of energy, I have some questions fer-ye...I am better today but i seem to tire quickly is that normal? I have no pain just a little tired. I started taking Vitamins after the first consultation with Angie so I don't know about that I do know while I was in the Hospital they gave me an IV with Potassium that thing hurt.. I believe that got low from the lasix that i took Pre-op.
Linda said hey, she does not like to talk on the phone reason she has never called, Linda is an extremely private and shy person. (I'm the bigmouth).
As for tired O ya I learned really quick and everyone has told me we have had majior surgery and all the meds and being put under, It takes time sometimes serveral months to get back to normal which I really dont have a know of. because I have Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia So I am fighting both plus our bodies getting back to what its normal gonna be after the surgery.
Does that help? Thats why they keep pushing the protein. and B12
I am really glad you were able to get in and get it done. I hope it all comes out good for you. Let us know. I know that just taking a shower and washing my hair made my knees shake and I had to sit down or lay down really quickly. I had no energy. And that was even through week 5. But slowly and surely the exhaustion and fatigue will come back. Hang in there. It will be worth it in the end. Good luck,
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Let me ask you then, is the fatigue and aches worse the first part of these weeks after surgery I am just going nuts I am so misserable I want to get up and walk and do things and I just sometimes I cant. Sometimes I can not put the foot in front of the other..... I am having a very hard time with the mulity and the calcuim. But I keep trying. We will see what monday brings.
It is worse for the first 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. It does get better so just hold on, you will make it. Now, you will still have bad days and good days, but before I had bad days and worse days. What kind of calcium & multi are you taking? I do the cinnamon BA lozenges, I treat them kinda like a mint and do them after each meal.
Keep your head up, it will get better ,I promise.
Darlene what is Cinnamon BA Lozenges???? sounds like something I could get down... Right now I am taking orange flav. centrum chewable not geting them downto good and caltrate chewable berry not getting that down to well either. I sure do drink more milk then i ever have because of the protein drink I mix it with carnation. I tried different protien drinks yesterday I cant seem to get that powder taste out of the way, So carnation instant so far the way for me. I am gonna get some Isopure today and I will getthe cinnamon things too.
They are Bariatric Advantage calcium citrate lozenges-400mg each, so 3 gets you the 1200g that most dr require. I get mine from a company in Nolensville. Here is the website, you can also call and order. They come in cinnamon, chocolate and mint. The chocolate is chalky to me, the mint is strong (altoidish) and I don't like it, but the cinnamon is very good. Keep up the good work, you are trying very hard to get everything in.