Happy Memorial Day Weekend
Hope you're having a great weekend as well Melinda!
Some of my family got together yesterday for a cookout at the lake, which posed a huge dilema for me, being that I didn't have a bathing suit. I didn't have intentions of going swimming at all, but it was sooo hot yesterday! At any rate, I thought why not....so bathing suit shopping I went just for the occassion. I must say, it was the most depressing experience! I thought I would look pretty decent this year being that I've lost 180lbs...boy was I wrong! So I finally find something....and ended up not going swimming at the lake because the beach area was too crowded. What a bummer... It is just as well I suppose... at least I had my turkeyburger and family! ha :-) For the rest of the evening and tomorrow, I am doing absolutely nothing...thats the plan and I'm stickin' to it! Take it easy Melinda!